BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Meetings & Conferences DESCRIPTION:Do you know how to effectively use LinkedIn? LinkedIn is often the first social media platform used by employers and recruiters to screen potential candidates. This workshop examines how to best use this platform to build your network\, appear in numerous employer and recruiter searches\ , and translate past and current experiences into future job and transferra ble skills. \n\n \n\nThis workshop is part of the CLDC's 21st Century Lead ership Program . To complete this program\, students are challenged to comp lete the three leadership development workshops listed below\, in addition to one or more 30-minute leadership coaching sessions. Students can schedul e leadership coaching through Handshake. The 21st Century Leadership Progra m is free and does not require workshop registration. The three required wo rkshops are Understanding Ethics and Values\, Understanding Emotional Intel ligence\, and Understanding Team Development (or the LinkedIn Workshop beca use Understanding Team Development is not being offered virtually). DTEND:20200923T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T075250Z DTSTART:20200922T230000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:LinkedIn Workshop\,2008:EventInstance_34467448874418 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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