BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:CTLA will host a faculty panel discussion to share takeaways fr om the IUPUI Assessment Institute in October. Panelists will present strate gies and ideas for implementing meaningful change in the way they assess st udent learning in their courses and/or programs. This 50-minute session wil l cover:\n\nNew or innovative assessment approaches and/or research present ed at the conference.Challenges to assessing student learning they have fac ed and knowledge gained to assist resolving these challenges.Strategies for integrating assessment in course(s).Panelists:\n\nMs. Wendy Adams\, Associ ate Director of Assessment\, CTLA - FacilitatorDr. Janna Chimeli\, Academic Director of Executive Education in Association with Latin America\; Associ ate Professor of Instructions\, Analytics and Information Systems Departmen tMs. Julie Cohara\, Director of Degree Programs\, University CollegeDr. Cat Cutcher\, Associate Director Center for International StudiesDr. Allyson H allman-Thrasher\, Associate Professor of Mathematics Education\; Graduate C ollege Faculty Fellow\; RALLY for STEM Noyce Project Director\; Math 1101/1 102 CoordinatorDr. Nukhet Sandal\, Associate Dean College of Arts & Science s\; Professor\, Political ScienceDr. Greg Springer\, Professor\, Geological Sciences\; Leadership Fellow\, MAC Academic Leadership Development Program Register here: DTEND:20231108T202000Z DTSTAMP:20241005T022600Z DTSTART:20231108T193000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Making Meaningful Teaching and Learning Changes with Assessment\,2008:EventInstance_44463403327899 URL: _changes_with_assessment END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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