BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:MATH Colloquium: Post-Quantum Cryptography Overview and Digital Credentials\n\nSimultaneously in-person in Morton Hall 320 and on Teams\; attend in-person if possible. Colloquium Post-Quantum Cryptography Overview and Digital Credentials Erik Hieta-aho (PhD 2018 Ohio University\, Senior Scientist in Applied Cryptography at VTT) Abstract: Post-Quantum Cryptogra phy (PQC) is a relatively modern area of cryptography that is focused on th e development of cryptographic algorithms that are ‘secure’ against the com putation power of a quantum computer. NIST began a competition in 2017 that called for the submission of PQC algorithms for standardization. About a m onth ago NIST announced the standards for three PQC algorithms. These algor ithms are based on the lattice hardness problem known as the learning with errors problem. During this talk we can go through an overview of other typ es of PQC algorithms\, which include code based\, hash based\, and others. We will also discuss the status of the continuing NIST standardization comp etition.Furthermore\, I will describe a project in which we\, in collaborat ion with OU\, are implementing a hybrid cryptographic algorithm within a se lf-sovereign identity stack (digital credential wallet and stack). For thos e interested in the idea of using digital credentials\, there is a possibil ity to take part in an online workshop that we will be organizing (around O ctober-November) in which you should be able to learn and give feedback wit h respect to the practical use of digital credentials in every day life. DTEND:20240917T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T083642Z DTSTART:20240917T200000Z GEO:39.324149;-82.097337 LOCATION:Morton Hall\, 320 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:MATH Colloquium: Post-Quantum Cryptography Overview and Digital Cre dentials\,2008:EventInstance_47470811173216 URL: hy-overview-and-digital-credentials END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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