BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations,Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:The annual brunch will include dance and vocal performances and feature a keynote address by Pat Russell-McCloud\, Esq.\n\nTicket prices: Non-student brunch tickets are $25 each\; OHIO student brunch tickets are $ 15 each. Non-student brunch sponsorships (includes a table of six seats) ar e $300 per table\, OHIO student brunch sponsorships (includes a table of si x seats) are $150 per table.\n\nIndividuals\, departments\, organizations\, and companies that purchase a table will be recognized as event sponsors.\ n\nA $500 celebration sponsorship for all of the week’s events is also avai lable. This includes a table for six at the brunch\, with a certificate of sponsorship to be presented during the brunch program.\n\nTickets and spons orships may be purchased online\ n\nor by contacting the Division of Diversity and Inclusion at diversityinc DTEND:20210122T180000Z DTSTAMP:20241125T052150Z DTSTART:20210122T160000Z LOCATION:\, Baker University Center\, Ballrooms (4th Floor) SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:MLK Jr. Celebration 2022 - Celebratory Brunch\,2008:EventInstance_38944237448185 URL: runch_4197 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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