BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Molecular and Cellular Biology Seminar | Gut microbiome and hos t interaction\, Oct. 3\n\nThe Molecular and Cellular Biology Seminar series (MCB7410) features Bijay Gurung discussing "Gut microbiome and host intera ction" on Oct. 3 at 3:30 PM in Porter Hall Room 104.\n\n \n\nBijay Gurung i s a graduate student in the Department of Biological Sciences and the Molec ular and Cellular Biology Program at Ohio University.\n\n \n\nAbstract: Gut microbiome is the collection of microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tra ct. The gut microbiomes comprise coexisting populations of commensal and mu tualistic bacteria\, fungi\, virus and archaea. Understanding the interacti ons between the gut microbiome and host is important as these organisms hav e been found to influence several processes like immune and neuroendocrine responses\, metabolism\, and microbes' production of secondary metabolites can strengthen gut health. As\, gut microbiome has an important role in the wellbeing of the hosts\, disruptions in the normal gut microbiome are asso ciated with several diseases. Several factors like medication (antibiotics) \, diet\, environment\, maternal microbiomes\, etc. can influence the popul ation of microbiomes. Along with that\, host genetics can also affect the g ut microbiome compositions. Different model organisms\, like mice\, drosoph ila\, and honeybee have been used as model organisms to study the interacti ons between the gut microbiome and host. Berg et al. 2019\, used Caenorhabd itis elegans as a model organism\, to understand the influence of host immu ne signaling in the microbiome population and possible pathogenic activity of a normal commensal Enterobacter. However\, characteristics of microbes a re also an important aspect of host-microbe interactions and ultimately for ming symbiosis with host. Study by Obeng et al.\, 2023 showed the importanc e of microbial evolution\, where upregulation of cyclic diguanylate (c-di-G MP) in Pseudomonas led to increased host association in Caenorhabditis eleg ans. \n\nBerg\, M.\, Monnin\, D.\, Cho\, J.\, Nelson\, L.\, Crits-Christoph \, A.\, & Shapira\, M. (2019). TGFβ/BMP immune signaling affects abundance and function of C. elegans gut commensals. Nature Communications\, 10(1)\, Article 1. \n\nObeng\, N.\, Cze rwinski\, A.\, Schütz\, D.\, Michels\, J.\, Leipert\, J.\, Bansept\, F.\, G arcía García\, M. J.\, Schultheiß\, T.\, Kemlein\, M.\, Fuß\, J.\, Tholey\, A.\, Traulsen\, A.\, Sondermann\, H.\, & Schulenburg\, H. (2023). Bacteria l c-di-GMP has a key role in establishing host–microbe symbiosis. Nature Mi crobiology\, 8(10)\, Article 10. DTEND:20231003T203000Z DTSTAMP:20241005T042756Z DTSTART:20231003T193000Z GEO:39.324787;-82.103474 LOCATION:Porter Hall\, 104 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Molecular and Cellular Biology Seminar |Gut microbiome and host int eraction\, Oct. 3\,2008:EventInstance_44329801290839 URL: bijay_gurung_oct_3 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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