BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Join us for Moms Weekend Cycle\, a fun and uplifting cycling cl ass designed for you and your mom to enjoy together! This special session i s the perfect way to bond\, break a sweat\, and share a memorable experienc e on the bikes. Your registration includes spots for both you and your mom\ , making it easy to team up for this high-energy ride. Registration opens 2 3 hours before the class starts\, and spaces are limited\, so be sure to se cure your spots early. Come ready to pedal\, smile\, and create unforgettab le moments during this one-of-a-kind Moms Weekend event! Register Here! DTEND:20250405T154500Z DTSTAMP:20250223T121343Z DTSTART:20250405T150000Z GEO:39.321104;-82.099015 LOCATION:Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center\, Ping - Cycle Studio SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Moms Weekend Cycle\,2008:EventInstance_48588696245908 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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