BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:If you have extra resources\, please consider donating to the C ats' Cupboard Food Pantry during your Moms Weekend visit. We know many fami lies take a trip to the grocery store\, so add in an extra non-perishable g oods and/or hygiene products if you can. A dontation station will be set up from Friday at 4:00 pm to Sunday at 4:00 pm in the Baker Center 3rd floor atrium. We sincerely appreciate any support you can provide!\n\n \n\nMore a bout Cats' Cupboard: In 2018\, the Division of Student Affairs set out some extra shelf-stable food on a few shelves in a back hallway. Nearly overnig ht\, the food was gone. From there\, the Division knew they needed to do so mething to address food insecurity on campus. Hence\, in 2019\, Cats' Cupbo ard was launched by now Dean of Students Kathy Fahl. Cats' Cupboard now has a permanent home on the fifth floor of Baker Center and has served thousan ds of students since its launch. You can learn more about how Bobcats Help Bobcats here: eeds-programs\n\n \n\nMost-Needed Items: \n\nFood Items\n\nBaking MixesDry BeansCanned Beans**Ready Meals*Canned pasta\, mac and cheese or rice cups\, etc.SnacksGranola BarsNut Butter**Jellies and JamsMicrowave RiceCanned Pro teinCanned Fruit**Canned VegetablesOatmeal Packets & CupsCerealPasta**Ramen Pasta SaucePersonal Care Items\n\nShampoo & conditionerSingle toothbrushesT oothpasteDeodorantToilet paperLaundry DetergentDish Soap & Hand SoapCan Ope nersSafety RazorsLotionMenstrual ProductsFacial Tissues DTEND:20240406T030000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T005103Z DTSTART:20240405T200000Z GEO:39.324863;-82.101742 LOCATION:Baker University Center\, 3rd Floor Atrium SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Moms Weekends: Cats' Cupboard Donation Drive\,2008:EventInstance_46019875023874 URL: ive END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:If you have extra resources\, please consider donating to the C ats' Cupboard Food Pantry during your Moms Weekend visit. We know many fami lies take a trip to the grocery store\, so add in an extra non-perishable g oods and/or hygiene products if you can. A dontation station will be set up from Friday at 4:00 pm to Sunday at 4:00 pm in the Baker Center 3rd floor atrium. We sincerely appreciate any support you can provide!\n\n \n\nMore a bout Cats' Cupboard: In 2018\, the Division of Student Affairs set out some extra shelf-stable food on a few shelves in a back hallway. Nearly overnig ht\, the food was gone. From there\, the Division knew they needed to do so mething to address food insecurity on campus. Hence\, in 2019\, Cats' Cupbo ard was launched by now Dean of Students Kathy Fahl. Cats' Cupboard now has a permanent home on the fifth floor of Baker Center and has served thousan ds of students since its launch. You can learn more about how Bobcats Help Bobcats here: eeds-programs\n\n \n\nMost-Needed Items: \n\nFood Items\n\nBaking MixesDry BeansCanned Beans**Ready Meals*Canned pasta\, mac and cheese or rice cups\, etc.SnacksGranola BarsNut Butter**Jellies and JamsMicrowave RiceCanned Pro teinCanned Fruit**Canned VegetablesOatmeal Packets & CupsCerealPasta**Ramen Pasta SaucePersonal Care Items\n\nShampoo & conditionerSingle toothbrushesT oothpasteDeodorantToilet paperLaundry DetergentDish Soap & Hand SoapCan Ope nersSafety RazorsLotionMenstrual ProductsFacial Tissues DTEND:20240407T030000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T005103Z DTSTART:20240406T130000Z GEO:39.324863;-82.101742 LOCATION:Baker University Center\, 3rd Floor Atrium SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Moms Weekends: Cats' Cupboard Donation Drive\,2008:EventInstance_46019875024899 URL: ive END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:If you have extra resources\, please consider donating to the C ats' Cupboard Food Pantry during your Moms Weekend visit. We know many fami lies take a trip to the grocery store\, so add in an extra non-perishable g oods and/or hygiene products if you can. A dontation station will be set up from Friday at 4:00 pm to Sunday at 4:00 pm in the Baker Center 3rd floor atrium. We sincerely appreciate any support you can provide!\n\n \n\nMore a bout Cats' Cupboard: In 2018\, the Division of Student Affairs set out some extra shelf-stable food on a few shelves in a back hallway. Nearly overnig ht\, the food was gone. From there\, the Division knew they needed to do so mething to address food insecurity on campus. Hence\, in 2019\, Cats' Cupbo ard was launched by now Dean of Students Kathy Fahl. Cats' Cupboard now has a permanent home on the fifth floor of Baker Center and has served thousan ds of students since its launch. You can learn more about how Bobcats Help Bobcats here: eeds-programs\n\n \n\nMost-Needed Items: \n\nFood Items\n\nBaking MixesDry BeansCanned Beans**Ready Meals*Canned pasta\, mac and cheese or rice cups\, etc.SnacksGranola BarsNut Butter**Jellies and JamsMicrowave RiceCanned Pro teinCanned Fruit**Canned VegetablesOatmeal Packets & CupsCerealPasta**Ramen Pasta SaucePersonal Care Items\n\nShampoo & conditionerSingle toothbrushesT oothpasteDeodorantToilet paperLaundry DetergentDish Soap & Hand SoapCan Ope nersSafety RazorsLotionMenstrual ProductsFacial Tissues DTEND:20240407T200000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T005103Z DTSTART:20240407T130000Z GEO:39.324863;-82.101742 LOCATION:Baker University Center\, 3rd Floor Atrium SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Moms Weekends: Cats' Cupboard Donation Drive\,2008:EventInstance_46019875026948 URL: ive END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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