BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations,Meetings & Conferences,Networking & Soc ial Event DESCRIPTION:Mark your calendars now! The Patton College's Munch and Learn S eries returns for spring semester. The spring theme is Global Issues on Im migration: Mobilizing to Advocate for and Build Inclusive Communities. The series is free and open to all.\n\nEach semester The Patton College hosts a Munch and Learn Series comprising panel discussions that take an in-depth look at societal issues that impact education. The goal of the series is to create a more equitable and inclusive community\, both at Ohio University and in our society at large. We recognize that ignorance of others’ lived e xperiences creates an environment that allows prejudice\, misunderstanding\ , and even conflict to grow\, so we want the Munch and Learn series to allo w the world of Ohio University to see and hear directly from representative s of as many members of our heterogeneous community as possible. \n\n\n\nA total of four panel discussions are scheduled for spring semester. The fina l session will take place from noon to 1:30 p.m. on April 12: \n\nApril 12 - Honoring and Supporting the Experiences of Immigrant Populations in Unive rsity and Community Life\, presented by the Exemplary Student-Centered Serv ices and Vibrant Outreach\, and Partnerships working groups. Click here to join the discussion. on Microsoft Teams. | Please complete the post-session evaluation to help us improve the series\n\nModerator Chip Rice leads a di scussion focused on the academic and non-academic experiences of internatio nal students. Panelists will share experiences and strategies for enhancing student success and community engagement among international patterns. It is open to Ohio University and the community.All sessions will be delivered via Microsoft Teams and dial-in instructions will be provided for each. \n \nPrevious sessions:\n\nMarch 22 - International Students and Immigration: Perspectives from students\, faculty\, and staff\, presented by The Patton College Diversity and Inclusion Committee. Click here to watch the session recording on The Patton College YouTube channel.\n\nModerator Kelly Davidso n will be joined by students from various countries and Ohio University fac ulty and staff who work with international students. The goal of this sessi on is to help our community understand international students' journey and challenges faced before and and since their arrival in the U.S.\, and to sh are resources that are available to support international students.\n March 8 - Honoring the Experiences of Immigrant Populations in Research and Scho larship\, presented by the Rigorous\, Influential Research working group. \ n\nModerator Dr. Sara Helfrich and panelists Dr. Bhaskar Upadhyay\, Dr. Emm anuel Jean Francois and Dr. Mike Kopish discussed how to honor the experien ces of immigrant populations in research and scholarship? In this session\, researchers shared how to gain entrée and build trust within the community bringing immigrants' experiences to the foreground. Various theoretical fr ameworks that can help us think about immigrant-focused research\, as well as appropriate types of research design\, were shared.\n February 8 - Immig rant Experiences: Families\, Careers\, and Communities presented by the Aca demic Excellence working group. Click here to watch the recorded session\n\ nWhat do we NOT know about immigration that we should know? This session wi ll provide a lively discussion of this increasingly important issue\, inclu ding information we can take-away to improve immigration challenges on univ ersity campuses and communities. Panelists will tell their stories and prov ide concrete examples that will inform our own institutional and community policies and practices. DTEND:20210208T183000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T042930Z DTSTART:20210208T170000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Munch and Learn Series: Global Issues on Immigration\,2008:EventInstance_35618720897562 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations,Meetings & Conferences,Networking & Soc ial Event DESCRIPTION:Mark your calendars now! The Patton College's Munch and Learn S eries returns for spring semester. The spring theme is Global Issues on Im migration: Mobilizing to Advocate for and Build Inclusive Communities. The series is free and open to all.\n\nEach semester The Patton College hosts a Munch and Learn Series comprising panel discussions that take an in-depth look at societal issues that impact education. The goal of the series is to create a more equitable and inclusive community\, both at Ohio University and in our society at large. We recognize that ignorance of others’ lived e xperiences creates an environment that allows prejudice\, misunderstanding\ , and even conflict to grow\, so we want the Munch and Learn series to allo w the world of Ohio University to see and hear directly from representative s of as many members of our heterogeneous community as possible. \n\n\n\nA total of four panel discussions are scheduled for spring semester. The fina l session will take place from noon to 1:30 p.m. on April 12: \n\nApril 12 - Honoring and Supporting the Experiences of Immigrant Populations in Unive rsity and Community Life\, presented by the Exemplary Student-Centered Serv ices and Vibrant Outreach\, and Partnerships working groups. Click here to join the discussion. on Microsoft Teams. | Please complete the post-session evaluation to help us improve the series\n\nModerator Chip Rice leads a di scussion focused on the academic and non-academic experiences of internatio nal students. Panelists will share experiences and strategies for enhancing student success and community engagement among international patterns. It is open to Ohio University and the community.All sessions will be delivered via Microsoft Teams and dial-in instructions will be provided for each. \n \nPrevious sessions:\n\nMarch 22 - International Students and Immigration: Perspectives from students\, faculty\, and staff\, presented by The Patton College Diversity and Inclusion Committee. Click here to watch the session recording on The Patton College YouTube channel.\n\nModerator Kelly Davidso n will be joined by students from various countries and Ohio University fac ulty and staff who work with international students. The goal of this sessi on is to help our community understand international students' journey and challenges faced before and and since their arrival in the U.S.\, and to sh are resources that are available to support international students.\n March 8 - Honoring the Experiences of Immigrant Populations in Research and Scho larship\, presented by the Rigorous\, Influential Research working group. \ n\nModerator Dr. Sara Helfrich and panelists Dr. Bhaskar Upadhyay\, Dr. Emm anuel Jean Francois and Dr. Mike Kopish discussed how to honor the experien ces of immigrant populations in research and scholarship? In this session\, researchers shared how to gain entrée and build trust within the community bringing immigrants' experiences to the foreground. Various theoretical fr ameworks that can help us think about immigrant-focused research\, as well as appropriate types of research design\, were shared.\n February 8 - Immig rant Experiences: Families\, Careers\, and Communities presented by the Aca demic Excellence working group. Click here to watch the recorded session\n\ nWhat do we NOT know about immigration that we should know? This session wi ll provide a lively discussion of this increasingly important issue\, inclu ding information we can take-away to improve immigration challenges on univ ersity campuses and communities. Panelists will tell their stories and prov ide concrete examples that will inform our own institutional and community policies and practices. DTEND:20210308T183000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T042930Z DTSTART:20210308T170000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Munch and Learn Series: Global Issues on Immigration\,2008:EventInstance_35733838544683 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations,Meetings & Conferences,Networking & Soc ial Event DESCRIPTION:Mark your calendars now! The Patton College's Munch and Learn S eries returns for spring semester. The spring theme is Global Issues on Im migration: Mobilizing to Advocate for and Build Inclusive Communities. The series is free and open to all.\n\nEach semester The Patton College hosts a Munch and Learn Series comprising panel discussions that take an in-depth look at societal issues that impact education. The goal of the series is to create a more equitable and inclusive community\, both at Ohio University and in our society at large. We recognize that ignorance of others’ lived e xperiences creates an environment that allows prejudice\, misunderstanding\ , and even conflict to grow\, so we want the Munch and Learn series to allo w the world of Ohio University to see and hear directly from representative s of as many members of our heterogeneous community as possible. \n\n\n\nA total of four panel discussions are scheduled for spring semester. The fina l session will take place from noon to 1:30 p.m. on April 12: \n\nApril 12 - Honoring and Supporting the Experiences of Immigrant Populations in Unive rsity and Community Life\, presented by the Exemplary Student-Centered Serv ices and Vibrant Outreach\, and Partnerships working groups. Click here to join the discussion. on Microsoft Teams. | Please complete the post-session evaluation to help us improve the series\n\nModerator Chip Rice leads a di scussion focused on the academic and non-academic experiences of internatio nal students. Panelists will share experiences and strategies for enhancing student success and community engagement among international patterns. It is open to Ohio University and the community.All sessions will be delivered via Microsoft Teams and dial-in instructions will be provided for each. \n \nPrevious sessions:\n\nMarch 22 - International Students and Immigration: Perspectives from students\, faculty\, and staff\, presented by The Patton College Diversity and Inclusion Committee. Click here to watch the session recording on The Patton College YouTube channel.\n\nModerator Kelly Davidso n will be joined by students from various countries and Ohio University fac ulty and staff who work with international students. The goal of this sessi on is to help our community understand international students' journey and challenges faced before and and since their arrival in the U.S.\, and to sh are resources that are available to support international students.\n March 8 - Honoring the Experiences of Immigrant Populations in Research and Scho larship\, presented by the Rigorous\, Influential Research working group. \ n\nModerator Dr. Sara Helfrich and panelists Dr. Bhaskar Upadhyay\, Dr. Emm anuel Jean Francois and Dr. Mike Kopish discussed how to honor the experien ces of immigrant populations in research and scholarship? In this session\, researchers shared how to gain entrée and build trust within the community bringing immigrants' experiences to the foreground. Various theoretical fr ameworks that can help us think about immigrant-focused research\, as well as appropriate types of research design\, were shared.\n February 8 - Immig rant Experiences: Families\, Careers\, and Communities presented by the Aca demic Excellence working group. Click here to watch the recorded session\n\ nWhat do we NOT know about immigration that we should know? This session wi ll provide a lively discussion of this increasingly important issue\, inclu ding information we can take-away to improve immigration challenges on univ ersity campuses and communities. Panelists will tell their stories and prov ide concrete examples that will inform our own institutional and community policies and practices. DTEND:20210322T173000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T042930Z DTSTART:20210322T160000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Munch and Learn Series: Global Issues on Immigration\,2008:EventInstance_35643241871054 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations,Meetings & Conferences,Networking & Soc ial Event DESCRIPTION:Mark your calendars now! The Patton College's Munch and Learn S eries returns for spring semester. The spring theme is Global Issues on Im migration: Mobilizing to Advocate for and Build Inclusive Communities. The series is free and open to all.\n\nEach semester The Patton College hosts a Munch and Learn Series comprising panel discussions that take an in-depth look at societal issues that impact education. The goal of the series is to create a more equitable and inclusive community\, both at Ohio University and in our society at large. We recognize that ignorance of others’ lived e xperiences creates an environment that allows prejudice\, misunderstanding\ , and even conflict to grow\, so we want the Munch and Learn series to allo w the world of Ohio University to see and hear directly from representative s of as many members of our heterogeneous community as possible. \n\n\n\nA total of four panel discussions are scheduled for spring semester. The fina l session will take place from noon to 1:30 p.m. on April 12: \n\nApril 12 - Honoring and Supporting the Experiences of Immigrant Populations in Unive rsity and Community Life\, presented by the Exemplary Student-Centered Serv ices and Vibrant Outreach\, and Partnerships working groups. Click here to join the discussion. on Microsoft Teams. | Please complete the post-session evaluation to help us improve the series\n\nModerator Chip Rice leads a di scussion focused on the academic and non-academic experiences of internatio nal students. Panelists will share experiences and strategies for enhancing student success and community engagement among international patterns. It is open to Ohio University and the community.All sessions will be delivered via Microsoft Teams and dial-in instructions will be provided for each. \n \nPrevious sessions:\n\nMarch 22 - International Students and Immigration: Perspectives from students\, faculty\, and staff\, presented by The Patton College Diversity and Inclusion Committee. Click here to watch the session recording on The Patton College YouTube channel.\n\nModerator Kelly Davidso n will be joined by students from various countries and Ohio University fac ulty and staff who work with international students. The goal of this sessi on is to help our community understand international students' journey and challenges faced before and and since their arrival in the U.S.\, and to sh are resources that are available to support international students.\n March 8 - Honoring the Experiences of Immigrant Populations in Research and Scho larship\, presented by the Rigorous\, Influential Research working group. \ n\nModerator Dr. Sara Helfrich and panelists Dr. Bhaskar Upadhyay\, Dr. Emm anuel Jean Francois and Dr. Mike Kopish discussed how to honor the experien ces of immigrant populations in research and scholarship? In this session\, researchers shared how to gain entrée and build trust within the community bringing immigrants' experiences to the foreground. Various theoretical fr ameworks that can help us think about immigrant-focused research\, as well as appropriate types of research design\, were shared.\n February 8 - Immig rant Experiences: Families\, Careers\, and Communities presented by the Aca demic Excellence working group. Click here to watch the recorded session\n\ nWhat do we NOT know about immigration that we should know? This session wi ll provide a lively discussion of this increasingly important issue\, inclu ding information we can take-away to improve immigration challenges on univ ersity campuses and communities. Panelists will tell their stories and prov ide concrete examples that will inform our own institutional and community policies and practices. DTEND:20210412T173000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T042930Z DTSTART:20210412T160000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Munch and Learn Series: Global Issues on Immigration\,2008:EventInstance_35643241872079 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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