BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations,Sporting Events DESCRIPTION:Join us for an exciting Lacrosse Exhibition Game as part of our National Native American Heritage Month observance and Ohio University's D ad Weekend celebration!\n\nDate: November 2\, 2024\nTime: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM \n\nExperience the oldest team sport in the Americas\, while celebrating it s rich cultural heritage. This exhibition game will showcase the skill\, st rategy\, and athleticism that have made lacrosse a beloved sport for centur ies.\n\nHistorical Significance:\nLacrosse\, originally known as "stickball \," was created by the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) people as early as 1100 A.D . in what is now New York and parts of Canada. This sacred game was more th an just a sport\; it was a way to honor the Creator\, settle disputes\, and prepare warriors for battle.\n\nEvent Highlights:\n\nWitness an exciting l acrosse match featuring our skilled playersLearn about the sport's Native A merican origins and cultural significanceThis event offers a unique opportu nity to connect with the roots of lacrosse and appreciate its enduring lega cy. \n\nJoin us in celebrating the spirit of lacrosse and honoring the cont ributions of Native American culture to this timeless sport. Don't miss thi s special event that combines athletic prowess with cultural appreciation! DTEND:20241102T190000Z DTSTAMP:20241114T043802Z DTSTART:20241102T170000Z GEO:39.321094;-82.10137 LOCATION:Walter Fieldhouse SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:NAHM: Men's Lacrosse Exhibition vs Akron\,2008:EventInstance_47799065545818 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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