BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:NQPI Seminar | Magnetic Control of Protein Expression via Magne to-Mechanical Actuation using ND-PEG Iron Oxide Nanocubes\, Oct. 27\n\nThe Nanoscale and Quantum Phenomena Institute (NQPI) 's Seminar Forum series fe atures Juan Beltran-Huarac is Oct. 27 at 4:10 p.m. in Walter 245.\n\n \n\nB eltran-Huarac is an assistant professor in the Department of Physics in the Thomas Harriot College of Arts & Sciences at East Carolina University.\n\n \n\nAbstract: In efforts to treat brain cancer and certain degenerative\, autoimmune\, and genetic disorders\, engineered cells are currently used as smart vehicles for delivery of secreted therapeutic proteins. Nonetheless\ , current cell-based therapies use mostly invasive tools for tracking prote ins\, generate non-focalized heat during treatment\, and do not allow for c ontrol of therapeutic protein secretion\, which could be translated to unco nstrained killing of surrounding non-tumorous tissues. In this study\, a no ninvasive approach mediated by magneto-mechanical actuation (MMA) is propos ed to control the secretion of TRAIL (the therapeutic agent) by different c ell lines\, which are engineered with the molecule SGpL2TR comprising TRAIL and luciferase domains. This approach is based on the remote activation of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanocubes (SPIONs) internalized within transd uced cells by exogenous AC magnetic fields\, which could in turn spur mecha nosensitive cellular functions and control the regulation of reporter trans genes. The MMA approach operates at super-low frequency (50 Hz) and remotel y\, which circumvents heat generation and noninvasiveness issues\, respecti vely. We observed a pronounced depletion of secretion levels (down to 30%) when magnetic field is operated at 63 mT in a pulsed mode for 30 min throug hout a wide range of cell densities. Such depletion is consistent and relat ed to the magnetic field activated-SPIONs concentrations. Similarly\, a cor related effect in the cell viability of TRAIL-sensitive glioblastoma cells is found when TRAIL-containing conditioned media interacted with them for 2 4 hrs. No cell viability reduction is observed in all cell lines when expos ed to iron doses up to 0.5 mg/ml under magnetic field treatment. TEM\, DLS\ , ELISA\, qPCR and Western blot studies indicate a possible activation of E R stress response caused by MMA\, which may disrupt the secretory pathway. This approach could expand the capabilities of engineered cells to serve as smart vehicles for delivery of therapeutic proteins in a controlled way\, or ultimately shutting down therapeutic protein secretion without using int erfering drugs\, which are mostly used in cancer therapeutics. DTEND:20221027T211000Z DTSTAMP:20241005T073255Z DTSTART:20221027T201000Z GEO:39.322732;-82.10287 LOCATION:Walter Hall\, 245 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:NQPI Seminar | Magnetic Control of Protein Expression via Magneto-M echanical Actuation using ND-PEG Iron Oxide Nanocubes\, Oct. 27\,2008:EventInstance_41154868124428 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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