BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Sporting Events,Watch,Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Fight hunger and support your OHIO Hockey Bobcats during Give T hanks November! The OHIO Hockey Blueline Booster Alumni will be collecting canned food and other nonperishable food items before the games against Syr acuse on November 3 and 4\, 2023.\n\nHockey tickets can be purchased before each game at Bird Arena for $9 for adults and $5 for OHIO students and chi ldren (17 and under). Those who register for this event will be entered int o a drawing for a t-shirt from the Bobcat Store\, with two winners! Don't m iss this chance to cheer on OHIO Hockey during their only two home games in November while supporting the fight against hunger in our community!\n\nIf you have any questions\, contact Gail Dreitzler at\n\ nGiving Tuesday is all about helping Bobcats who could use a helping hand\, whether it’s in the form of food from the Cats’ Cupboard or cash assistanc e via one of OHIO’s many student emergency funds. The need is real\, and ev ery contribution matters. Give now! DTEND:20231104T020000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T003251Z DTSTART:20231103T230000Z GEO:39.323919;-82.102788 LOCATION:Bird Arena SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:OHIO Hockey Blueline Booster Alumni Canned Food Drive\,2008:EventInstance_44657744983406 URL: ned_food_drive END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Sporting Events,Watch,Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Fight hunger and support your OHIO Hockey Bobcats during Give T hanks November! The OHIO Hockey Blueline Booster Alumni will be collecting canned food and other nonperishable food items before the games against Syr acuse on November 3 and 4\, 2023.\n\nHockey tickets can be purchased before each game at Bird Arena for $9 for adults and $5 for OHIO students and chi ldren (17 and under). Those who register for this event will be entered int o a drawing for a t-shirt from the Bobcat Store\, with two winners! Don't m iss this chance to cheer on OHIO Hockey during their only two home games in November while supporting the fight against hunger in our community!\n\nIf you have any questions\, contact Gail Dreitzler at\n\ nGiving Tuesday is all about helping Bobcats who could use a helping hand\, whether it’s in the form of food from the Cats’ Cupboard or cash assistanc e via one of OHIO’s many student emergency funds. The need is real\, and ev ery contribution matters. Give now! DTEND:20231105T020000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T003251Z DTSTART:20231104T230000Z GEO:39.323919;-82.102788 LOCATION:Bird Arena SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:OHIO Hockey Blueline Booster Alumni Canned Food Drive\,2008:EventInstance_44657744986479 URL: ned_food_drive END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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