BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Distinguished alumnus and journalist\, entrepreneur\, and produ cer Chris Witherspoon will deliver the keynote address\n\nThe Ohio Universi ty LGBT Center invites 2021 OHIO graduates to attend Pride Graduation on Ap ril 24\, a virtual ceremony honoring LGBTQ+ graduates from all academic OHI O campuses and academic levels. The event is co-sponsored by Student Senate and the Ohio University Alumni Association (OUAA).\n\n \n\nGraduating stud ents from all OHIO campuses\, friends\, family\, faculty\, and staff are in vited to register for Pride Graduation – as a participant or a guest – at h ttps:// (opens in a new window). \n\n \n\n“Pride Graduati on is an annual tradition at Ohio University\,” said Micah McCarey\, Direct or of the LGBT Center. “It is a joyous occasion to celebrate our graduates\ , congratulate them on their degree completion\, and highlight their unique contributions to the Bobcat community. We are delighted to have the suppor t of our OHIO community.”\n\n \n\nFor the first time this year\, Pride Grad uation has two-cosponsors in Student Senate and the Ohio University Alumni Association (OUAA).\n\n \n\n“We are proud that Student Senate supports Prid e Graduation and the LGBT Center because our community is more than deservi ng of being honored and supported as a part of our Bobcat family one last t ime before their next steps in the big world\,” said Molly Davis\, undergra duate student in Health Sciences and Professions and the LGBT Commissioner in Student Senate. “Part of our heart leaves when our members graduate\, so we want them to have a forever memory with us. #BobcatforLife”\n\n \n\nGra duating students who register to participate will receive a complimentary L GBTQ+ graduation stole\, courtesy of the Ohio University Alumni Association (OUAA). The stoles can be shipped or picked up in the LGBT Center – while supplies last. \n\n \n\n"The Ohio University Alumni Association is honored to support Pride Graduation and welcome our LGBTQ+ students to the Bobcat f amily. We work to provide welcoming and inclusive opportunities for all alu mni to connect with each other and students\, and to offer engaging and val uable programming for life\,” said Erin Essak Kopp\, Assistant Vice Preside nt for Alumni Relations and Executive Director of the Ohio University Alumn i Association. “We especially look forward to staying connected with the cl ass of 2021.”\n\n \n\nDistinguished alumnus Chris Witherspoon — pop culture journalist\, producer\, entrepreneur\, and '04 graduate of the Scripps Col lege of Communication\, will give the keynote address. Chris is excited to return to his alma mater as an ambassador for all LGBTQ+ OHIO graduates who have embarked on meaningful\, authentic\, and fulfilling careers. Chris sa ys that his time at OHIO taught him valuable lessons that he hopes to share with 2021 graduates: “‘If you can’t see the example\, be the example.’ I c arried that with me during my time in Athens and to this very day.”\n\nChri s Witherspoon is an entertainment journalist\, producer\, and entrepreneur with a signature\, accessible approach to media and culture. He is currentl y the Founder & CEO of PopViewers. Chris served as an entertainment corresp ondent for Fandango and CNN\, and was the Entertainment Editor for NBC’s th He still regularly appears on MSNBC\, TODAY\, The Wendy Williams Show\, and NBC’s Nightly News\; and has interviewed the likes of Meryl Str eep\, Tom Hanks\, Oprah Winfrey\, Will Smith\, Viola Davis\, Hugh Jackman\, Denzel Washington\, Harrison Ford and Kerry Washington. Witherspoon got hi s first taste of media as an intern with ABC’s Good Morning America\, and h as never looked back. He is an alum of the prestigious NBC Page Program and Ohio University.\n\n \n\nIf you have any questions leading up to OHIO Prid e Graduation 2021\, please contact Dr. Jan Huebenthal at huebenthal@ohio.ed u. DTEND:20210424T160000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T000509Z DTSTART:20210424T143000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:OHIO PRIDE Graduation 2021\,2008:EventInstance_36485292147311 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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