BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Meetings & Conferences DESCRIPTION:The Center for Campus and Community Engagement\, as part of our efforts towards promoting non-partisan democratic and civic engagement on campus are hosting an inaugural Civic Engagement Forum.\n\n \n\nRegister he re:\n\n \n\nThis event will serve a platform for students to civically engage directly with elected public off icials in non-partisan ways\, as well as an opportunity to discuss some of the key issues that matter and affect them. This adds to our relentless eff orts towards promoting active student participation in voter registration e xercises and boost their enthusiasm to participate in local\, state and fed eral elections. We recognize your role as major stakeholder towards achievi ng this goal and would appreciate your presence at the event. As part of ou r commitment towards ensuring balanced political representation\, we are in viting representatives from both major political parties. \n\n\nWhat to ex pect: Each panel will consist of approximately 30 minutes for panelists to respond to predetermined questions followed by 15 minutes questions and ans wers from the audience.\n\n \n\nSCHEDULE:\n\n \n\n10AM | International Stud ent and Faculty Perspectives on US Policies\n\nPanelists: \n\nDeependra Bud hathoki\, International Students Union (ISU)Rustom Amartey\, African Studen ts Union (ASU)Diane Cahill\, International Students Faculty Services (ISFS) \n\n \n\n11AM | Student Votes and Voices Matter: Perspectives from Elected Officials\n\nPanelists: \n\nU.S. Senator Sherrod Brown SE Ohio representat ive Beth ClodfelterOhio State Representative Jay EdwardsAthens City Mayor S teve Patterson \n\n12PM | Student Leaders on the Value of Civic Engagement \n\nPanelists: \n\nHaley Janoski\, OU DemocratsMicaela Beatham-Garcia\, Ame rican Civil Liberties UnionNick Fisher\, Students for LibertyJoseph Elikem Kofi Ziorklui\, Graduate Student SenateElaina Tartal\, Student Senate DTEND:20220324T170000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T072913Z DTSTART:20220324T140000Z GEO:39.324863;-82.101742 LOCATION:Baker Center\, 2nd Floor\, Room 231 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University Civic Engagement Forum\,2008:EventInstance_39421139015761 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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