BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230110 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340728098 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230111 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340730147 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230112 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340732196 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230113 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340734245 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230114 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340736294 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230115 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340737319 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230116 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340739368 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230117 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340742441 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230118 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340744490 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230119 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340746539 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230120 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340748588 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230121 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340750637 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230122 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340752686 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230123 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340754735 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230124 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340756784 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230125 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340758833 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230126 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340760882 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230127 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340761907 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230128 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340763956 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230129 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340766005 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230130 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340768054 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230131 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340770103 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230201 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340772152 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230202 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340774201 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230203 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340776250 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230204 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340778299 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230205 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340780348 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230206 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340782397 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230207 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340784446 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230208 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340785471 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230209 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340787520 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230210 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340790593 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230211 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340791618 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230212 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340793667 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230213 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340795716 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230214 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340797765 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230215 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340799814 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230216 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340801863 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230217 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340803912 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230218 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340805961 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230219 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340808010 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230220 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340810059 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230221 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340813132 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230222 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340815181 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230223 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340816206 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230224 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340819279 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230225 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340820304 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230226 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340822353 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230227 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340824402 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230228 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340826451 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230301 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340828500 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230302 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340830549 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230303 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340832598 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230304 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340834647 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230305 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340836696 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230306 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340839769 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230307 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340841818 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230308 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340843867 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230309 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340845916 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230310 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340846941 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230311 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340848990 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230312 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340851039 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230313 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340853088 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230314 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340855137 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230315 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340857186 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230316 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340860259 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230317 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340862308 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230318 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340864357 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230319 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340866406 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230320 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340868455 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230321 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340870504 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230322 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340872553 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230323 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340874602 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230324 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340876651 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230325 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340879724 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230326 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340881773 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230327 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340883822 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230328 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340885871 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230329 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340887920 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230330 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340923761 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230331 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340925810 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230401 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340927859 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230402 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340929908 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230403 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340931957 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230404 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340934006 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230405 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340936055 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230406 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340938104 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230407 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340940153 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230408 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340941178 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230409 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340943227 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230410 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340945276 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230411 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340947325 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230412 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340949374 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230413 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340951423 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230414 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340953472 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230415 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340955521 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230416 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340957570 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230417 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340959619 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230418 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340961668 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230419 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340963717 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230420 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340964742 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230421 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340966791 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230422 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340968840 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230423 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340970889 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230424 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340972938 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230425 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340973963 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230426 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340976012 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230427 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340979085 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230428 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340981134 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230429 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340983183 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230430 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340985232 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230501 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340987281 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230502 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340989330 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230503 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340991379 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230504 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340993428 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230505 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340995477 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230506 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340998550 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230507 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907340999575 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230508 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341001624 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230509 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341003673 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230510 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341005722 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230511 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341007771 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230512 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341009820 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230513 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341010845 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230514 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341013918 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230515 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341015967 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230516 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341018016 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230517 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341020065 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230518 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341021090 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230519 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341023139 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230520 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341025188 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230521 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341027237 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230522 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341029286 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230523 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341031335 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230524 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341033384 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230525 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341035433 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230526 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341037482 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230527 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341039531 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230528 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341041580 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230529 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341043629 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230530 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341047726 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230531 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341049775 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230601 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341051824 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230602 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341053873 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230603 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341055922 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230604 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341058995 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230605 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341061044 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230606 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341063093 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230607 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341065142 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230608 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341066167 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230609 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341068216 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230610 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341070265 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230611 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341072314 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230612 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341074363 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230613 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341076412 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230614 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341079485 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230615 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341081534 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230616 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341083583 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230617 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341085632 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230618 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341087681 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230619 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341089730 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230620 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341091779 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230621 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341092804 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230622 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341094853 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230623 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341096902 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230624 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341098951 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230625 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341101000 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230626 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341103049 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230627 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341105098 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230628 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341106123 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230629 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341108172 URL: look END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University has a rich history in Africa. The exhibit looks at Ohio University activities in Africa from the 1950s-1980s. Using materi als from the Libraries' collections\, the exhibit displays the major milest ones\, projects\, collaborations\, and partnerships with African institutio ns. It will include the university’s first international project\, a contra ct to develop the education infrastructure in Nigeria\; other significant t echnical services to educational development in several African countries. These activities are the foundations that impacted and shaped the growth of the African collection in the Libraries. DTSTAMP:20241123T005634Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230630 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 1st Floor Center International Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ohio University in Africa: A Historical Look\,2008:EventInstance_41907341110221 URL: look END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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