BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Spring BioBlast at the OMC! What is a BioBlast? A BioBlast is a n event that focuses on finding and identifying as many species as possible in a specific area over a short period of time. At a BioBlast\, families\, students\, teachers\, and other community members work together to get a s napshot of an area’s biodiversity and explore the outdoors. No expertise re quired! This is an opportunity to learn\, explore and share all the incredi ble species that call Athens home. The OMC BioBlast will take place startin g at the lower parking lot in front of the museum at Lin Hall on The Ridges .\n\nThe BioBlast will consist of a 2 hour guided hike from 9 AM - 11 AM fo llowed by an hour of science and art activities at the Outdoor Classroom\, fun for all ages!\n\nIf there is inclement weather\, we'll contact attendee s about a rain date! DTEND:20220430T160000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T054520Z DTSTART:20220430T130000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:OMC Outdoor Museum on The Ridges SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:OMC Spring BioBlast\,2008:EventInstance_39694883379670 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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