BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Reconnect with nature with WellWorks' new outdoor Power Yoga cl ass! Join Kristen as she leads you through sequences focusing on total body strength and flexibility. This class will be held at the Aquatic Grove are a between the Grover Hall parking lot and the Aquatic Center. There will be no shared surfaces. All fitness and experience levels are welcome as we tu ne in to mind\, body\, spirit\, and community. Don't forget your mat! Membe rship and pre-registration required. DTEND:20210707T170000Z DTSTAMP:20250217T061629Z DTSTART:20210707T160000Z LOCATION:Aquatic Grove (outdoors) SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Outdoor Power Yoga\,2008:EventInstance_37200752185337 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Reconnect with nature with WellWorks' new outdoor Power Yoga cl ass! Join Kristen as she leads you through sequences focusing on total body strength and flexibility. This class will be held at the Aquatic Grove are a between the Grover Hall parking lot and the Aquatic Center. There will be no shared surfaces. All fitness and experience levels are welcome as we tu ne in to mind\, body\, spirit\, and community. Don't forget your mat! Membe rship and pre-registration required. DTEND:20210714T170000Z DTSTAMP:20250217T061629Z DTSTART:20210714T160000Z LOCATION:Aquatic Grove (outdoors) SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Outdoor Power Yoga\,2008:EventInstance_37200752187386 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Reconnect with nature with WellWorks' new outdoor Power Yoga cl ass! Join Kristen as she leads you through sequences focusing on total body strength and flexibility. This class will be held at the Aquatic Grove are a between the Grover Hall parking lot and the Aquatic Center. There will be no shared surfaces. All fitness and experience levels are welcome as we tu ne in to mind\, body\, spirit\, and community. Don't forget your mat! Membe rship and pre-registration required. DTEND:20210721T170000Z DTSTAMP:20250217T061629Z DTSTART:20210721T160000Z LOCATION:Aquatic Grove (outdoors) SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Outdoor Power Yoga\,2008:EventInstance_37200752188411 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Reconnect with nature with WellWorks' new outdoor Power Yoga cl ass! Join Kristen as she leads you through sequences focusing on total body strength and flexibility. This class will be held at the Aquatic Grove are a between the Grover Hall parking lot and the Aquatic Center. There will be no shared surfaces. All fitness and experience levels are welcome as we tu ne in to mind\, body\, spirit\, and community. Don't forget your mat! Membe rship and pre-registration required. DTEND:20210728T170000Z DTSTAMP:20250217T061629Z DTSTART:20210728T160000Z LOCATION:Aquatic Grove (outdoors) SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Outdoor Power Yoga\,2008:EventInstance_37200752189436 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Reconnect with nature with WellWorks' new outdoor Power Yoga cl ass! Join Kristen as she leads you through sequences focusing on total body strength and flexibility. This class will be held at the Aquatic Grove are a between the Grover Hall parking lot and the Aquatic Center. There will be no shared surfaces. All fitness and experience levels are welcome as we tu ne in to mind\, body\, spirit\, and community. Don't forget your mat! Membe rship and pre-registration required. DTEND:20210804T170000Z DTSTAMP:20250217T061629Z DTSTART:20210804T160000Z LOCATION:Aquatic Grove (outdoors) SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Outdoor Power Yoga\,2008:EventInstance_37200752191485 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Reconnect with nature with WellWorks' new outdoor Power Yoga cl ass! Join Kristen as she leads you through sequences focusing on total body strength and flexibility. This class will be held at the Aquatic Grove are a between the Grover Hall parking lot and the Aquatic Center. There will be no shared surfaces. All fitness and experience levels are welcome as we tu ne in to mind\, body\, spirit\, and community. Don't forget your mat! Membe rship and pre-registration required. DTEND:20210811T170000Z DTSTAMP:20250217T061629Z DTSTART:20210811T160000Z LOCATION:Aquatic Grove (outdoors) SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Outdoor Power Yoga\,2008:EventInstance_37200752192510 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Reconnect with nature with WellWorks' new outdoor Power Yoga cl ass! Join Kristen as she leads you through sequences focusing on total body strength and flexibility. This class will be held at the Aquatic Grove are a between the Grover Hall parking lot and the Aquatic Center. There will be no shared surfaces. All fitness and experience levels are welcome as we tu ne in to mind\, body\, spirit\, and community. Don't forget your mat! Membe rship and pre-registration required. DTEND:20210818T170000Z DTSTAMP:20250217T061629Z DTSTART:20210818T160000Z LOCATION:Aquatic Grove (outdoors) SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Outdoor Power Yoga\,2008:EventInstance_37200752194559 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Reconnect with nature with WellWorks' new outdoor Power Yoga cl ass! Join Kristen as she leads you through sequences focusing on total body strength and flexibility. This class will be held at the Aquatic Grove are a between the Grover Hall parking lot and the Aquatic Center. There will be no shared surfaces. All fitness and experience levels are welcome as we tu ne in to mind\, body\, spirit\, and community. Don't forget your mat! Membe rship and pre-registration required. DTEND:20210825T170000Z DTSTAMP:20250217T061629Z DTSTART:20210825T160000Z LOCATION:Aquatic Grove (outdoors) SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Outdoor Power Yoga\,2008:EventInstance_37200752194560 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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