BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Through a partnership between Ohio University and Teton Science Schools\, the Ohio STEM Learning Network (OSLN) Southeast Hub is pleased t o offer a special two-part professional development series focused on place -based learning for K-12 teachers. \n1-hour Zoom webinars with certificate of attendance.\nFor more information: \nNancy Stevens\, 7 40.597.2785\n\n \n\nCLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW!\n\n \n\nWednesday\, April 2 1 | 3:30-4:30 PM ET\nPlace-Based Approaches for STEM Learning\nIn this in teractive 1-hour session learn more about what place-based education is and how it can support STEM teaching and learning. Leave the session with idea s for lessons to incorporate place-based education into your teaching.\n\n\ nWednesday\, May 5 | 3:30-4:30 PM ET\nFinishing the school year by gettin g outside to learn!\nContinue the conversations about place-based education with this session focused on getting children outside. We will focus on th e “Community as Classroom” principle of place-based education and discuss i deas for bringing your students outside and into the community. \n\n \n\nPr esenter: Amy Lorenz\, Teacher Learning Center Faculty and Curriculum Specia list\, Teton Science Schools\n\nAmy taught experiential science in southern California and spent summers studying and teaching marine mammal ecology i n the Canadian Maritimes before attending the TSS Graduate Program. Her mas ters research focused on the influence of citizen science on student attitu des\, understanding of science practices\, and sense of place. Before retur ning to the Tetons\, she spent three years in Cambridge\, MA with the Encyc lopedia of Life project where she developed place-based biodiversity curric ulum\, led schoolyard bio-blitzes\, and coordinated community science proje cts. She splits her time between Jackson Hole and the Bay of Fundy where sh e directs a marine science summer program. DTEND:20210421T203000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T092410Z DTSTART:20210421T193000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Outdoor STEM and Place-Based Learning Professional Development Trai nings\,2008:EventInstance_36510829853914 URL: rofessional_development_trainings END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Through a partnership between Ohio University and Teton Science Schools\, the Ohio STEM Learning Network (OSLN) Southeast Hub is pleased t o offer a special two-part professional development series focused on place -based learning for K-12 teachers. \n1-hour Zoom webinars with certificate of attendance.\nFor more information: \nNancy Stevens\, 7 40.597.2785\n\n \n\nCLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW!\n\n \n\nWednesday\, April 2 1 | 3:30-4:30 PM ET\nPlace-Based Approaches for STEM Learning\nIn this in teractive 1-hour session learn more about what place-based education is and how it can support STEM teaching and learning. Leave the session with idea s for lessons to incorporate place-based education into your teaching.\n\n\ nWednesday\, May 5 | 3:30-4:30 PM ET\nFinishing the school year by gettin g outside to learn!\nContinue the conversations about place-based education with this session focused on getting children outside. We will focus on th e “Community as Classroom” principle of place-based education and discuss i deas for bringing your students outside and into the community. \n\n \n\nPr esenter: Amy Lorenz\, Teacher Learning Center Faculty and Curriculum Specia list\, Teton Science Schools\n\nAmy taught experiential science in southern California and spent summers studying and teaching marine mammal ecology i n the Canadian Maritimes before attending the TSS Graduate Program. Her mas ters research focused on the influence of citizen science on student attitu des\, understanding of science practices\, and sense of place. Before retur ning to the Tetons\, she spent three years in Cambridge\, MA with the Encyc lopedia of Life project where she developed place-based biodiversity curric ulum\, led schoolyard bio-blitzes\, and coordinated community science proje cts. She splits her time between Jackson Hole and the Bay of Fundy where sh e directs a marine science summer program. DTEND:20210505T203000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T092410Z DTSTART:20210505T193000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Outdoor STEM and Place-Based Learning Professional Development Trai nings\,2008:EventInstance_36510829854939 URL: rofessional_development_trainings END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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