CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations
DESCRIPTION:The Physics & Astronomy Colloquium Series presents Dr. Niklas K
arlsson a Senior Principal Research Scientist of Amazon\, discussing "Optim
ization and Control in Online Advertising" on April 12.\n\n \n\nAbstract: P
rogrammatic advertising is a core element of the business for companies suc
h as Amazon\, Google\, Meta\, and Yahoo. A Demand Side Platform is a partic
ular business model for programmatic advertising\, and its role is to optim
ally manage advertising budgets. The optimization problem is challenging du
e to an underlying high-dimensional\, nonlinear\, time-varying\, dynamic\,
and stochastic plant.\n\nIn this talk we introduce the optimization problem
and demonstrate how it can be decomposed into sub problems that are easier
to solve. We explain how to approach the sub problems in such a way that t
echniques from other fields can be used to solve the problems. The goal is
for the audience to leave with an appreciation of the many open\, interesti
ng\, and challenging science problems available in programmatic advertising
.\n\n \n\nBio: Dr. Niklas Karlsson is a Sr. Principal Research Scientist at
Amazon\, where he is driving the science vision for Amazon Demand Side Pla
tform. He received the M.S. degree in Engineering Physics from Lund Univers
ity in 1995\, and the M.A. degree in Statistics and Applied Probability and
the Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering (with a specialization in contr
ol theory\, dynamic systems\, and robotics) from the University of Californ
ia\, Santa Barbara (UCSB) in 1997 and 2002\, respectively. He also graduate
d from the Stanford Executive Program in 2017. He joined Evolution Robotics
in Pasadena\, California\, in 2002\, where he was the principal investigat
or of navigation and control algorithms.\n\nDuring his tenure at Evolution
Robotics\, he invented\, among other things\, the vSLAM technology\, which
is now used as the brain of the Roomba autonomous vacuum cleaner by iRobot.
In 2005\, he joined which by way of acquisitions and merge
s later turned into Yahoo\, where he was Vice President of Research and the
Chief Scientist of the Demand Side Platforms\; before joining Amazon.\n\nN
iklas is the inventor of 49 issued patents in the areas of mobile autonomou
s robotics and online advertising\; he received the Distinguished Alumni Aw
ard from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at UCSB in 2015\, in reco
gnition of “outstanding application of systems engineering principles to th
e field of online advertising”\, and the Master Inventor Award from Yahoo i
n 2017 (the highest technology/science recognition within the company). He
is an IEEE fellow.
LOCATION:Walter Hall\, 145
SUMMARY:Physics Colloquium | Optimization and Control in Online Advertising
\, April 12\,2008:EventInstance_45491650468867