BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:The Physics & Astronomy Colloquium Series presents Liliana Arra chea of Universidad Nacional de San Martin\, Argentina\, discussing “From Q ubits to Thermal Machines" on Feb. 11.\n\nColloquia are Fridays at 4:10 p.m .\n\n \n\nJoin on your computer or mobile app Click here to join the meetin g Or call in (audio only) +1 614-706-6572\,\,726918304# United States\, C olumbus Phone Conference ID: 726 918 304# \n\nAbstract: Thermal machines\, like heat engines and refrigerators have been at the heart of the industri al revolution that took place at the beginning of the last century. Nowaday s\, we are witnessing the emergence of the so called ''quantum technologies ''\, where the challenge is the realization of devices like transistors\, d iodes\, sensors and computers in platforms relying on single atoms\, ions a nd spins\, by fully exploiting the quantum-mechanical nature of these syste ms. \n\n \n\nThe diversity of operations in quantum devices include the gen eration of electrical currents\, quantum-state manipulation\, measurements and the implementation of logic gates. The associated energy dynamics and e ntropy production is ubiquitous of all these systems. Therefore\, it is of paramount importance the control of the energy dissipation. Even more promi sing is the “in-chip” realization of thermal machines in order to refrigera te and use the generated heat. In this talk I will discuss our level of und erstanding of these mechanisms in qubits\, which are the building blocks of quantum computers\, with special focus on superconducting qubits in quantu m-electrodynamical circuits. DTEND:20220211T220000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T103948Z DTSTART:20220211T211000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Physics Colloquium | From Qubits to Thermal Machines\, Feb. 11\,2008:EventInstance_39058955169814 URL: al_machines_feb_11 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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