BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:The Physics & Astronomy Colloquium Series presents Michael Wies cher of University of Notre Dame\, discussing "It's all about the Money." o n Sept. 23.\n\n \n\nAbstract: Nuclear and atomic physics techniques play an increasingly important role in cultural heritage science\, the analysis of historical artifacts to determine age\, origin\, and provenance for a deep er understanding of ancient cultures and developments. These studies are no t only important for liberal art communities\, but provide also a unique op portunity to offer non-physics students a better insight\, understanding\, and appreciation of nuclear physics by hands-on participation in these proj ects. A new initiative in cultural heritage physics has been developed at t he Nuclear Science Laboratory (NSL) at Notre Dame using a variety a of acce lerator and non-accelerator based techniques. \n\n \n\nWe will focus on thr ee projects associated with the development of coin and paper money develop ment in the Roman\, The Spanish\, and the early American Empire. These proj ects utilized a wide variety on analytical techniques available at the NSL and provided new insight into the development of metallurgical and papermak ing techniques for manufacturing\, while making money. This work is funded by a special grant of the University of Notre Dame and by the National Scie nce Foundation. DTEND:20220923T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T023551Z DTSTART:20220923T201500Z GEO:39.322732;-82.10287 LOCATION:Walter Hall\, 145 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY: Physics Colloquium | It's all about the Money\, Sept. 23\,2008:EventInstance_40844767388541 URL: ney_applied_nuclear_physics END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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