BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:The Physics & Astronomy Colloquium Series presents Mei Wei of O hio University on “Novel Biomaterials for Bone Repair and Regeneration\,” o n Friday\, Oct. 16\, at 4:10 p.m. at an Online Departmental Colloquium.\n\n Join Microsoft Teams Meeting+1 614-706-6572 United States\, Columbus (Tol l) Conference ID: 896 453 210#Abstract: More than 1.3 million bone-repair p rocedures are performed annually in the USA due to trauma\, disease or agin g\, and a large proportion of them is for large bone defects. Unfortunately \, reconstruction of large bone segments remains a challenge. The rapid gro wth in tissue engineering has offered tremendous promises for organ repair and regeneration. Among them\, the development of skeletal tissues has beco me the fastest developing segment of tissue engineering due to the large de mand in bone repair materials. Structurally\, bone is a composite comprisin g fibrous collagen reinforced with nano-sized apatite ceramic particles.\n\ nIn this talk\, I will present a newly developed biomimetic apatite/fibrous collagen composite scaffold mimicking the arrangement of organic and inorg anic components in natural bone. This scaffold not only demonstrates a biom imetic structure\, but also exhibits superior mechanical properties and exc ellent in vivo performances for bone repair and regeneration. Besides the b iomimetic scaffold\, I will also briefly discuss a new approach for prepari ng a biomimetic apatite coating on metallic implants. The coating features a unique gradient porous structure for enhanced bone-implant integration. F inally\, I will introduce a biomimetic\, bioresorbable bone fixation compos ite material\, which is the first of its kind that has sufficient strength\ , appropriate stiffness\, and good toughness to support the mending bone. T he new composite directly addresses long-standing problems associated with both existing bioresorbable and with commonly-used metallic bone fixtures\, and thereby significantly improve the quality of the repaired bone. DTEND:20201016T211000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T213411Z DTSTART:20201016T201000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Physics Colloquium | Novel Biomaterials for Bone Repair and Regener ation\, Oct. 16\,2008:EventInstance_34476543548988 URL: or_bone_repair_and_regeneration END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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