CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations
DESCRIPTION:Physics Colloquium | Statistical Physics in Social Networks: Po
larization\, Echo Chambers and Ideologies\, Nov. 20\n\nThe Physics & Astron
omy Colloquium Series presents Igor Sokolov of Humboldt-Universität zu Berl
in on “Statistical Physics in Social Networks: Polarization\, Echo Chambers
and Ideologies\,” on Friday\, Nov. 20\, at 4:10 p.m. at an Online Departme
ntal Colloquium.\n\nJoin on your computer or mobile appClick here to join t
he meetingOr call in (audio only)+1 614-706-6572\,\,128002949# United Sta
tes\, Columbus Phone Conference ID: 128 002 949#Abstract: Echo chambers and
opinion polarization identified in several sociopolitical contexts and acr
oss different social media raise concerns on their potential impact on the
spread of misinformation and on the openness of debates. Despite increasing
efforts\, the dynamics leading to the emergence of these phenomena remain
unclear.\n\nIn the present talk I discuss the model we consider to give the
minimal description of these phenomena. The model is based on the co-evolu
tion of individuals' opinions and their contact network and foots on the fo
llowing assumptions. The main assumption is that the agents are characteriz
ed by heterogeneous activities and homophily\, i.e. are more prone to conta
ct peers with similar opinions. The other one is a sufficient time scale se
paration between the opinion's changes (slow) and the contact network's rea
ction (fast). Compared with empirical data of polarized debates on Twitter\
, the model qualitatively reproduces the observed relation between users’ e
ngagement and opinions\, as well as opinion segregation in the interaction
network. If several topics are discussed simultaneously\, the model feature
s phase transitions between consensus\, opinion polarization\, and ideologi
cal states characterized by strong correlations of opinions even on seeming
ly unrelated topics.
SUMMARY:Physics Colloquium | Statistical Physics in Social Networks: Polari
zation\, Echo Chambers and Ideologies\, Nov. 20\,2008:EventInstance_34476603904593