BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:The Physics & Astronomy Colloquium Series presents David Dean o f Oak Ridge National Laboratory Quatum Science Center discussing "Quantum: From Quarks to Computing" on April 15.\n\n \n\nJoin on your computer or mob ile app Click here to join the meeting Or call in (audio only) +1 614-706-6 572\,\,248319460# United States\, Columbus Phone Conference ID: 248 319 4 60# \n\nAbstract: During this colloquium I will describe two quantum extre mes. At one end of the spectrum\, I will describe the research of Jefferson Lab where we explore the very nature of QCD and matter at its most fundame ntal level of quarks and gluons. Understanding the amazing world inside a n ucleon requires tremendous technical capabilities embodied in large acceler ator facilities and advanced detector technology. Such capabilities have re cently focused attention on astrophysical phenomena: for example\, a precis e measurement of the thickness of the neutron skin in Pb has implications i n the astrophysics associated with neutron-star mergers. This interplay is but one demonstration of how the world of the small\, even at the nuclear l evel\, affects the most violent of collisions in the universe. \n\n \n\nBe fore my move to JLab three months ago\, I was the Director of the Quantum S cience Center (QSC) at ORNL. The QSC performs R&D in quantum computing. Eve ry week researchers make great strides in demonstrating a new breakthrough in Quantum Information Science (QIS). These breakthroughs will lead acceler ated innovation in both QIS and related disciplines. Furthermore\, QIS inn ovation will generate new technologies to accurately predict\, detect\, and model the complex world around us in areas such as energy generation and e fficiency\, national security\, new materials discovery\, and fundamental p hysics. In this case\, quantum mechanics governs a new paradigm for how one computes\, and offers tremendous promise in the future. DTEND:20220415T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T065054Z DTSTART:20220415T201000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Physics Colloquium | Quantum: From Quarks to Computing\, April 15\,2008:EventInstance_39667075599134 URL: to_computing_april_15 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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