BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:The Physics & Astronomy Colloquium Series presents Srdjan Nesic \, Director of the Institute for Corrosion and Multiphase Technology of Ohi o University\, discussing "Internal Corrosion of CO2 Transmission Pipelines made from Carbon Steel – Current Understanding and Main Challenges" on Sep t. 02.\n\n \n\nAbstract: Internal corrosion plays an important role in inte grity management of CO2 transmission pipelines\, since carbon steel\, the m ost common material of construction\, is susceptible to corrosion attack. I t is well known that any free liquid water in such pipelines may lead to ca tastrophic corrosion rates\, and must be eliminated. Conversely\, the pure dense phase CO2 does not corrode carbon steel. This is still true in the pr esence of very small amounts of “dissolved” water in dense phase CO2\, when negligible corrosion is found. However\, serious problems arise when\, in addition to dissolved water\, other “impurities”\, such as O2\, H2S\, SO2\, NO2\, etc.\, are present in dense phase CO2\, and severe corrosion rates a re seen due to a complicated interplay between these species\, which is not understood. Even the basic thermodynamic properties of such “mixtures” are not properly established. Corrosion mechanisms of carbon steel in dense ph ase CO2 environments remain unknown and we are currently not able to determ ine proper compositional thresholds for safe operation. The effect of basic operational parameters\, such as temperature\, pressure and flow is still unclear\, all of this stifling any modeling efforts that would enable predi ction of corrosion rates.\n\n \n\nBuilding on the long-standing research ac tivity in CO2 corrosion of oil and gas pipelines\, the Institute for Corros ion and Multiphase Technology (ICMT) at Ohio University has focused over th e past decade on the problem of internal corrosion of pipelines for CO2 tra nsmission. We have established that much of the basic understanding develop ed for lower CO2 pressure systems does carry over to dense phase CO2 condit ions\, yet many fundamental question remain unanswered\, particularly when it comes to carbon steel corrosion in dense CO2 phase with impurities. The ICMT is now spearheading further research in this field\, leveraging the ex isting knowledge base\, advanced modeling and our unique experimental capab ilities. In this presentation\, the current state of art as well as the mai n challenges lying ahead will be discussed\, focusing on the ubiquitous eff ect of “impurities” on both thermodynamic properties and corrosion of carbo n steel. DTEND:20220902T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T044539Z DTSTART:20220902T201500Z GEO:39.322732;-82.10287 LOCATION:Walter Hall\, 145 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Physics Colloquium | Internal Corrosion of CO2 Transmission Pipelin es made from Carbon Steel – Current Understanding and Main Challenges\, Sep t. 2\,2008:EventInstance_40862622714551 URL: gy_of_corrosion END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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