BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Plant Biology Colloquium | Spectroscopy of Plants\, March 12\n\ nThe Environmental & Plant Biology Colloquium Series presents Dr. Anna Schw eiger discussing "Spectroscopy of plants - What light spectra can tell us a bout functional\, taxonomic\, and phylogenetic dimensions of plant biodiver sity" on Friday\, March 12\, at 11:50 a.m. via Zoom.\n\nJoin Zoom Meeting \ nMeeting ID: 817 3048 5664\nPasscode: 6LMLYq\n\nSchweiger is a Postdoctoral Researcher in Remote Sensing Laboratories in the Department of Geography a t the University of Zurich in Switzerland.\n\nThe host is the Plant Biology graduate students\, and the contact is Brett Fredericksen.\n\nAbstract: Sp ectroscopy has made its way from lab analysis to biodiversity discovery too l used in airborne and future space borne Earth observation campaigns. In t his talk\, I’m going to present some spectroscopy basics\; the use of spect rometers across scales (from leaves\, to individual plants\, and plant comm unities)\; applications of imaging spectroscopy for mapping plant functiona l traits\, community composition\, and the detection of plant species and d isease\; and recent developments that utilize spectra as integrative measur e of plant phenotypes. Spectroscopy not only allows modeling\, predicting a nd mapping functional\, taxonomic\, and phylogenetic plant biodiversity con tinuously and repeatedly\, it also integrates previously disparate sectors of biodiversity science and remote sensing\, which is critical at this time of rapid global change. DTEND:20210312T174000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T073254Z DTSTART:20210312T165000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Plant Biology Colloquium | Spectroscopy of Plants\, March 12\,2008:EventInstance_35778015131552 URL: ger_on_march_12 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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