BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Plant Biology Colloquium | Kelsey Bryant Thesis Defense\, Feb. 26\n\nThe Environmental & Plant Biology Colloquium Series presents Kelsey B ryant giving her dissertation defense on "Determining and Comparing Hydraul ic Behavior between Trees of Differing Wood Types and Ages in a Temperate\, Deciduous Forest" on Friday\, Feb. 26\, at 11:50 a.m. via Teams.\n\nBryant is a Ph.D. candidate in Environmental & Plant Biology.\n\nJoin on your com puter or mobile appOr call in (audio only) +1 614-706-6572\,\,364942378# United States\, Columbus Phone Conference ID: 364 942 378#Abstract: Carbon- mediated hydraulic failure is the current leading hypothesis for tree morta lity. However\, the physiological mechanisms of this process are complex an d vary among species and environment. The way in which a tree responds to d rought is defined as its hydraulic behavior\, which is described using a fr amework called the isohydric/anisohydric continuum. Theoretically\, diffuse -porous and ring-porous trees should fall at opposite ends of this continuu m due to their contrasting xylem anatomy and associated carbon requirements . While previous studies have documented this trend\, the relationship betw een wood type and hydraulic behavior is still unresolved\, particularly in temperate forests. The overall goal of my research was to describe hydrauli c behavior in ring- and diffuse-porous species in a temperate\, deciduous f orest. I included both saplings and mature trees to understand the influenc e of age class on hydraulic behavior. My results indicate a distinct dichot omy between isohydric\, diffuse-porous Acer saccharum and anisohydric\, rin g-porous Carya ovata\; however\, other species exemplify a spectrum of hydr aulic behaviors\, falling along a gradient between wood types. This pattern was consistent among age classes\, indicating that hydraulic behavior may not be influenced by age within a forest. Overall\, this work provides new insights into the physiological mechanisms responsible for carbon-water tra de-offs in ring- and diffuse-porous trees in temperate forests. DTEND:20210226T174000Z DTSTAMP:20250217T071710Z DTSTART:20210226T165000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Plant Biology Colloquium | Kelsey Bryant Dissertation Defense\, Feb . 26\,2008:EventInstance_35777963179871 URL: thesis_defense_feb_26 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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