CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations
DESCRIPTION:Plant Biology Colloquium | Using Algal Ecology to Inform our Un
derstanding and Management of Threats to Freshwater Ecosystems\, Feb. 12\n\
nThe Environmental & Plant Biology Colloquium Series presents Dr. Nate Smuc
ker discussing "Using algal ecology to inform our understanding and managem
ent of threats to freshwater ecosystems" on Friday\, Feb. 12\, at 11:50 a.m
. via Teams.\n\nJoin Teams meeting.\n\nOr call in (audio only) +1 614-706-6
572\,\,914133750# United States\, Columbus Phone Conference ID: 914 133 7
50 \n\nThe host is Dr. Morgan Vis.\n\nSmucker is an ecologist with the U.S.
EPA's Office of Research and Development. \n\nAbstract: Throughout the Uni
ted States\, nutrient pollution is a leading problem for water quality and
freshwater ecosystems. Increases of nitrogen and phosphorus in lakes and st
reams affect algal communities\, which can lead to harmful or nuisance alga
l blooms\, reduced biodiversity\, altered food webs and biogeochemical rate
s\, and consequences for downstream ecosystems. When severe enough\, these
ecosystem changes can limit recreational opportunities\, contribute to econ
omic losses\, and negatively affect human health and wellbeing. With algae
being important primary producers\, quantifying their responses to environm
ental changes can improve our understanding of nutrient effects and inform
protection efforts and watershed management goals. This presentation will c
ollectively draw upon lake\, stream\, and watershed studies to highlight po
ssible applications of algal ecology to nutrient and watershed management.
Specifically\, I will discuss:\n(1) How historical lake phytoplankton and r
emote sensing data are providing insights into long-term trends and possibl
e expectations of cyanobacteria blooms and how they relate to nutrients and
climate change\,\n(2) The emerging use of DNA metabarcoding to examine how
changes in diatom communities can inform possible nutrient targets in stre
ams\, with a detailed example being in the watershed of one of the aforemen
tioned lakes\, and\n(3) An example of the roles watershed modeling\, econom
ic analyses\, and stakeholder engagement can have in implementing managemen
t practices.
SUMMARY:Plant Biology Colloquium | Nate Smucker on Feb. 12\,2008:EventInstance_35777882466134