BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Join the Center for Law\, Justice & Culture at 6:00 p.m. in the Athena on Thursday\, Feb. 27 at 6 p.m. for the Pre-Law Day Keynote Address by Laura Weidner\, Esq. \n\n \n\nAs Chief Advocacy & Government Relations Officer\, Laura leads and oversees the Epilepsy Foundation’s strategy on f ederal- and state-level policy\, legal advocacy and grassroots engagement. The Foundation’s advocacy initiatives seek to improve access to care\, end epilepsy-related discrimination\, foster research and innovation and promot e public health and education. Laura joined the Foundation in September 201 8\, after nine years focusing on federal access to care and disability righ ts policy and government relations for the National MS Society and before t hat\, three years with the Child Welfare League of America’s government aff airs team. She is the Immediate-Past Chair of the Consortium for Constituen ts with Disabilities\, the largest coalition of national organizations work ing together on federal disability-related policy. Laura serves in leadersh ip positions of several other coalitions including the American Brain Coali tion\, Epilepsies Action Network\, Epilepsy Leadership Council\, Partnershi p to Improve Patient Care\, and Partnership to Protect Coverage. Laura has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Ohio University and a law degree from The Oh io State University Moritz College of Law. She is a member of the Maryland and District of Columbia bars. \n\n \n\nPre-Law Day is a program that prov ides current Ohio University students with an opportunity to engage with al umni who have gone on to law school. Thursday’s Keynote Address will be fo llowed by a full day of career panels and roundtable discussions on Friday\ , February 28\, in Baker Center\, with Ohio University alumni and friends w ho went on to attend law school. DTEND:20250228T000000Z DTSTAMP:20250223T052940Z DTSTART:20250227T230000Z GEO:39.328469;-82.101084 LOCATION:Athena Cinema\, Theater SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Pre-Law Day Keynote Address\,2008:EventInstance_48675069276725 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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