BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Psychology Colloquium Series | Nicholas Coles\, Nov. 6\n\nThe P sychology Colloquium Series presents Nicholas Coles discussing "What is emo tion? Methodological and quantitative considerations in the study of emotio n phenomenology and physiology" on Monday\, Nov. 6\, from 10:45-11:40 a.m. in Porter Hall 105.\n\n \n\nAbstract: A remarkable feature of emotions is t hat they are felt — we can experience the sting of rejection just as we can experience the sting of an ant bite. These emotional experiences are a fun damental part of the human condition. As such\, researchers across multiple disciplines seek to understand\, predict (e.g.\, via emotion recognition A I)\, and improve the emotions that are so central to our day-to-day experie nces.\n\nIn this talk\, Dr. Nicholas Coles will review methodological and q uantitative approaches designed to illuminate the nature of emotional exper ience. Many theorists posit that emotional experience is built off sensatio ns emanating from the peripheral nervous system (e.g.\, tensed muscles and accelerated hearts). Dr. Coles will review how these ideas have recently be en probed via meta-analysis\, a global adversarial collaboration\, cross-cu ltural tests of outstanding methodological issues\, and a crowdsourced mach ine learning challenge. Afterwards\, Dr. Coles will describe future researc h plans\, including (1) a proposed effort to document how the peripheral ne rvous system behaves in a variety of emotional contexts and cultures\, and (2) ongoing cross-cultural investigations of the nature and potential benef its of gratitude. DTEND:20231106T164000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T124952Z DTSTART:20231106T154500Z GEO:39.324787;-82.103474 LOCATION:Porter Hall\, 105 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Psychology Colloquium Series | Nicholas Coles\, Nov. 6\,2008:EventInstance_44686797772651 URL: oles_nov_6 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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