BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Public Lecture: Yale Professor Joel Baden on The Ten Commandmen ts\, Mon\, Feb 26\, 2024\n\nThe Ten Commandments are often understood as th e central text of the Old Testament—spoken directly by God to Israel\, quot ed by Jesus\, inscribed on monuments from antiquity to the present. But wha t if they aren't as old—or as important—as we think? In this talk\, we will look at what the Ten Commandments are\, where they came from and when—and why it matters.\n\n \n\nJoel Baden is Professor of Hebrew Bible at Yale Div inity School. Talk hosted by the department of Classics and Religious Studi es. DTEND:20240226T233000Z DTSTAMP:20241005T061830Z DTSTART:20240226T220000Z GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 319 Friends of the Library SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Public Lecture: Yale Professor Joel Baden on The Ten Commandments\, Mon\, Feb 26\, 2024\,2008:EventInstance_45684096588671 URL: n_on_the_ten_commandments END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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