BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Register for this presentation at the top of this page next to "I'm interested." We will serve pizza for in-person attendees\, but ask tha t you bring your own water bottle. Please note\, space to attend this prese ntation in-person at The Ridges is limited to 35 people and registration is required to attend. A virtual option is also available to participate in t his session. \n\n \n\nThis session will highlight Stephanie McCloud’s first -hand experience of actively creating a leadership path via work\, not just a resume. She has done it all – from running a private Columbus law firm a nd serving on community boards to being a corporate vice president\, legal counsel to former Governor George Voinovich\, chief counsel in Ohio’s Attor ney General’s office and\, now\, chief of staff to Governor Mike DeWine. Jo in us for this presentation to learn about her approach to understanding te am culture and why driving that dynamic is the key to success\, wherever yo ur career path leads you. \n\n \n\nIf you would like to request an ASL inte rpreter or other accommodation to attend this session\, please contact Mack enzie Kucharsky at \n\n \n\nAbout the virtual presenter : \n\nOn January 1\, 2023\, Stephanie McCloud was appointed as Chief of Sta ff to Governor Mike DeWine. She serves as chief advisor to the governor and leads the execution of the governor’s strategic priorities. Prior to this\ , she served as Administrator/CEO of the Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensatio n (BWC) since 2019.\nMcCloud is an experienced executive with a diverse bac kground that encompasses more than 20 years of experience in public adminis tration and workers' compensation. Before coming to the DeWine administrati on\, she served as senior vice president at Sedgwick Claims Management Serv ices while managing her private Columbus law firm\, McCloud Law LLC.\nShe b egan her career as a staff attorney at BWC before serving as legal counsel to both former Governor George Voinovich and the Ohio Department of Transpo rtation. She later joined the office of former Attorney General Jim Petro\, first as senior deputy attorney general before advancing to chief counsel. \nMcCloud is also a former Truro Township Trustee and active community lead er. She served six years on the Counselors\, Social Workers\, Marriage & Fa mily Therapists Board. She also served on the board of the Maryhaven behavi oral health and addiction treatment center for over a decade.\nDuring the p eak of the COVID pandemic in November 2020\, McCloud was appointed as the D irector of the Ohio Department of Health. Governor Mike DeWine chose Stepha nie for her knowledge of state government and management expertise\, which were both needed during the pandemic. She continued as director for ten mon ths until her return to BWC as administrator in August 2021.\nMcCloud earne d a bachelor's degree in journalism from Ohio University and a law degree f rom the Capital University Law School.\nAdministrator McCloud was a recipie nt of Columbus Business First's "40 Under 40 Award" in 2010\, and in 2019 s he was selected as a "Women to Watch" honoree by the international publicat ion\, Business Insurance. In addition\, she was chosen as a member of the 2 021 Future50 class by Columbus CEO Magazine. In 2020\, McCloud was awarded the Small Business Advocate Award by the Greater Cleveland Partnership awar ded McCloud in recognition of her commitment to small businesses and suppor t of state policies that foster job creation and business growth.\n\n \n\n \n\n\n\nMeeting ID: 851 7800 5915\n\nO ne tap mobile\n+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)\n+1 312 626 6799 US (Chic ago)\n+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)\n\nFind your local number: https://us06 DTEND:20230922T170000Z DTSTAMP:20241005T030459Z DTSTART:20230922T160000Z LOCATION:The Ridges Building 21\, Classroom 105 - Leadership Room SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Public Service Perspectives | Driving Team Culture to Leadership Su ccess\,2008:EventInstance_44135690203105 URL: m_culture_to_leadership_success END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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