BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Danny helped establish West Virginia University’s Brad and Alys Smith Outdoor Economic Development Collaborative starting with a blank pie ce of paper and an idea to improve the prosperity of a state by leveraging the states outdoor recreation assets. Using data and case studies to share the vision led to the OEDC receiving a $25 million gift\, one of the larges t in the University’s history\, to begin the journey. As stewards of the tr ansformative gift\, the Outdoor Economy part of the OEDC focuses on five ar eas: talent attraction\, outdoor asset development and enhancement\, commun ity development\, business and workforce development\, and research and cur riculum. Come join us to discover the successes\, challenges\, and the oppo rtunities. \n\n \n\nRegister for this virtual session at the top of this pa ge\, link to register is located next to "I'm interested." Once registered\ , you will receive a confirmation email and attachment to add this event to your calendar. You will receive a separate email reminder from Mackenzie K ucharsky containing the Zoom link prior to the event.\n\n \n\nAbout the spe aker: Dr. Danny Twilley is the Assistant Dean of the Brad and Alys Smith Ou tdoor Economic Development Collaborative at West Virginia University. In th is role\, he supports the OEDC’s remote worker initiative\, community devel opment\, outdoor recreation asset enhancement and development\, business an d workforce development\, and research to tell the program’s story. He app roaches this work by engaging with communities and facilitating academic co llaborations across the University\, state and local governments\, outdoor industry and related groups. \n\nPrior to joining WVU\, Dr. Twilley spent 1 3 years as a faculty member in Ohio University’s Recreation and Sport Pedag ogy Department where he served as a Professor of Instruction and Assistant Professor in the Recreation\, Parks\, and Leisure Studies Program\, Directo r of the Ecotourism Certificate\, Interim Program Coordinator\, Coordinator of the Outdoor Skill Development Program\, and led education abroad progra ms for 7 years to places such as Costa Rica and the Balkans. In addition\, to his academic career he has worked for organizations such as Outward Boun d\, Project Adventure\, Sun River Recreation Department\, and the Appalachi an Mountain Club. DTEND:20210407T170000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T054452Z DTSTART:20210407T160000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Public Service Perspectives | Outdoor Economy’s Role in West Virgin ia’s Future\,2008:EventInstance_36201018290442 URL: nomys_role_in_west_virginias_future END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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