BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:This presentation addresses the need for population assessment and surveillance data collection as a guide for fostering analytical balanc e for administering health and human services. Examples of such data includ e: (1) The Ohio Medicaid Assessment Survey (OMAS)\, a population-based heal th services\, health risks\, and health care access survey of approximately 30\,000 Ohio residents\; (2) the Ohio Medicaid Released Enrollees Study (O MRES)\, which examines the impact of being enrolled in Medicaid prior to re lease from a State of Ohio corrections facility as a strategy to assist phy sical and mental health and to prevent recidivism\; and (3) the Ohio COVID- 19 Survey\, which\, since April of 2020\, has tracked the impact of the pan demic on employment\, family socioeconomic stress\, physical and mental hea lth\, and prevention practices. Select findings will be shared throughout t he presentation.\n\n \n\nRegister for this virtual session at the top of th is page\, link to register is located next to "I'm interested." There is no promo code\, select 1 for quantity then continue. Once registered\, you wi ll receive a confirmation email and attachment to add this event to your ca lendar. \n\n \n\nAbout the speaker: \n\nTimothy R. Sahr directs various re search and applied projects relating to the health care system\, health ris k behaviors\, public health\, and the health status of Ohioans. His interes ts include social epidemiology\, survey research\, determinants of health\, adolescent health\, family violence prevention\, and political theology an d health. Tim has authored/coauthored numerous reports examining health iss ues in Ohio\, a number of professional briefs and articles\, and has delive red hundreds of lectures/presentations on various public health\, health po licy\, and religion and health topics. Sahr holds graduate degrees from Pri nceton and Ohio State\, was an Honors Program student at the University of Oxford\, and attended Anderson University. Currently\, Tim is the principle /co-principle investigator for the 2021 Ohio Medicaid Assessment Survey\, 2 021 Ohio Medicaid Released Enrollees Evaluation\, the Ohio COVID-19 Survey\ , the Ohio Schools COVID-19 Evaluation\, the 2021 Ohio Pregnancy Assessment Survey\, the Ohio Medicaid Community Engagement Evaluation\, and various o ther studies. Tim is the co-originator of the Practice-Based Epidemiology p ublic health practitioner methods training series and a contributor to the initiative Time\, Health\, and Secularization in America. Tim’s prior emplo yment included Director of Research at the Health Policy Institute of Ohio\ , Head of Research at the Franklin County\, Ohio\, Board of Health\, and su rvey and social researcher with Gallup Poll/Gallup International. \n\n \n\ nJoin Zoom Meeting\n\n\n\n \n\nMeeting ID: 815 3217 0694\n\nOne tap mobile\n\n+16465588656\,\,81532170694# US (Ne w York) 13017158592\,\,81532170694# US \n\n+(Washington DC)\n\n \n\nDial by your location\n\n +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)\n\n +1 301 7 15 8592 US (Washington DC)\n\n +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)\n\n +1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)\n\n +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)\n\n +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)\n\nMeeting ID: 815 3217 0694\n\nFind you r local number: DTEND:20211203T180000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T031039Z DTSTART:20211203T170000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Public Service Perspectives | Statewide Population Assessments: Gr ounding Health Services\,2008:EventInstance_38377568070770 URL: opulation_assessments_grounding_health_services END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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