BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:The Ohio University Press invites graduate students\, faculty\, and first-time authors to a free informational session on scholarly publis hing on Thursday\, November 3\, from noon to 1 p.m. in Alden 319. Staff mem bers will meet attendees in a casual setting to talk about university press es and how they work. \n\nRegistration is not required\, but space is limit ed.\n\nDirector Beth Pratt\, editor in chief Ricky Huard\, and managing edi tor Tyler Balli will talk through the process of moving your project from i nitial proposal to finished book.\n\nTopics will include:\n\nhow to develop a thesis or dissertation into a book manuscript\,how to find the best pres s for you\,how to approach an acquiring editor and present your proposal\,h ow to handle permissions\, andhow to work with editorial and production dep artments.The presentation will include handouts and suggested readings\, an d a question-and-answer period will follow\, time permitting. DTEND:20221103T170000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T172937Z DTSTART:20221103T160000Z GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, Friends of the Libraries Room - Alden's 3rd Floor\ , 319 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Publish Your Book\,2008:EventInstance_41235532142565 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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