BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:QBI Seminar | How Cells Measure Length\, Feb. 8\n\nThe QBI Semi nar hosts Jané Kondev discussing "How Cells Measure Length" on Tuesday\, Fe b. 8\, at 4 p.m. via Zoom.\n\n \n\nZoom: Meeting ID: 816 1824 0373 Passcode : 8Cy6fN\n\n \n\nKondev is Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor and th e William R Kenan Jr. Professor of Physics at Brandeis University.\n\n \n\n Abstract: Gulliver noticed 140 years ago that the size of the cell's nucleu s is proportional to the size of the cell. In the intervening years\, simil ar observations have been made about other\, large structures that self-ass emble in the cell. This raises a fascinating question: How does the cell\, which is micrometers in length\, measure its size with nothing more at its disposal than nanometer-sized proteins that diffuse\, on occasion bump int o each other\, and transiently stick together? In this talk I will describ e quantitative experiments and related theory that reveal general principle s of how cells measure their size and control the size of their internal st ructures. The case of self-assembly of actin cables in budding yeast is par ticularly interesting in this context\, as it provides an example of a cell controlling the length of a large\, filamentous structure. I will descri be our experiments and theory pertaining to this specific problem\, which gets at the general question of how cells measure length? DTEND:20220208T220000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T032320Z DTSTART:20220208T210000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:QBI Seminar | How Cells Measure Length\, Feb. 8\,2008:EventInstance_39111104025553 URL: b_8 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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