BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes,Academic Calendar DESCRIPTION:The CTLA’s Ramp Up to Instruction workshop provides OHIO facult y with dedicated time to implement valuable refinements to the courses they ’re teaching this semester. Ramp Up to Instruction consists of two sessions over two days. Instructors may choose between an online or face-to-face ve rsion of the workshop.\n\nDay 1 focuses on the critical topic of student en gagement and how increasing engagement might help learners address the most crucial or challenging topics and tasks in a course. The second day focuse s on instructional\, module and assignment design informed by first-day eff orts. Participants are welcome to attend either or both sessions.\n\nDuring Ramp Up Day 1: A Focus on Student Engagement\, participants will\n\nDefine student engagement and ways of measuring engagement.Connect student engage ment to student sense of belonging and student learning.Review evidence-bas ed strategies for increasing student engagement in their courses.Determine the engagement strategies most relevant to their upcoming courses.Consider how to increase student engagement around the most crucial learning tasks i n their courses.The Ramp Up to Instruction will be offered BOTH in-person a nd online via Teams. This registration is for the online workshop. To regis ter for the in-person version\, please follow this link.\n\nRamp Up to Inst ruction will meet from 2 to 4 pm on Monday\, August 19 and Tuesday\, August 20. Participants are welcome to register even if they can only attend one of the two sessions. \n\nThis event helps instructors address the Preparati on\, Engagement\, and Innovation components of OHIO's Teaching Excellence F ramework. DTEND:20240819T200000Z DTSTAMP:20241005T082044Z DTSTART:20240819T180000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Ramp Up Day 1: A Focus on Student Engagement (Online)\,2008:EventInstance_46932968334883 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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