BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Anyone driving the roads of southeastern Ross County today cann ot help but be impressed by the beautiful\, well-maintained farms that spra wl across the landscape toward the Scioto River as it flows along the huge\ , forested sandstone ridge to its west. Few of us\, however\, realize that this same expanse was once dominated by a series of now-vanished prehistor ic geometric earthen complexes that stretched for miles and stood as much a s 8 feet tall in places. \n\nOf major importance among these was the Liber ty Earthworks. Leveled by nearly 200 years of agricultural activity and mod ern development\, the Liberty Earthworks is no longer visible to the naked eye. However\, the story of this grand earthen complex provides many usefu l insights for understanding Ross County’s newly inscribed World Heritage H opewell Ceremonial Earthworks. Join local educator and researcher Gary Arga bright as he discusses the features of this monumental earthen complex and the insights it provides into the amazing landscape created by the ancient Hopewell peoples in the early centuries of the modern era.\n\nJoin local ed ucator and researcher Gary Argabright for a talk sponsored by the Friends o f Hopewell Culture National Historic Park. DTEND:20240308T010000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T191747Z DTSTART:20240307T233000Z GEO:33.230353;-97.132872 LOCATION:Ohio University Chillicothe\, Bennett Hall Auditorium SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Rediscovering Liberty Mounds\,2008:EventInstance_45570047211494 URL: unds_4279 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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