BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Please join us to honor our 2022 Engineering and Technology Fal l Semester Graduates!\n\nWHERE: Academic & Research Center Living Room Atri um\n\nWHEN: Following the Saturday\, December 10\, ceremony being held at 2 p.m. *\n\nFood provided\n\nNo RSVP necessary\n\n \n\n* Degrees will be con ferred to both graduate and undergraduate students\, and all recipients wil l be asked to stay for the duration of the ceremony\, which is estimated to last 2-2.5 hours. For more information on Commencement exercises\, visit w DTSTAMP:20240921T074606Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20221210 GEO:39.326659;-82.106005 LOCATION:Academic & Research Center (ARC) SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Russ College Fall Semester Commencement Reception\,2008:EventInstance_41793015835790 URL: _reception END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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