BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Concerts & Performances DESCRIPTION:2024 Senior Capstone Concert\n\nInbound\n\nNovember 21–22\, 7:0 0 PM\nNovember 23\, 1:00 & 7:00 PM\nShirley Wimmer Dance Theater\, Putnam H all\n\nPurchase Tickets Here\n\nInbound: traveling toward a particular plac e\, especially when returning to the original point of departure. The Senio r Capstone Concert is a production to encapsulate the unique and diverse in dividuals who make up this year's class. The title Inbound honors all that we've learned as a cohort before departing on our own separate paths. We ha ve come a long way since our freshman year in 2021\, and could not have don e it without the help of our wonderful faculty. The seniors would like to t hank John Bohuslawsky\, Christi Camper-Moore\, Tresa Randall\, and Travis G atling for their unwavering support and mentorship over the last four years . Thank you for coming\, and we hope you enjoy the show! DTEND:20241122T010000Z DTSTAMP:20241114T055435Z DTSTART:20241122T000000Z LOCATION:The Shirley Wimmer Dance Theater SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:School of Dance Senior Capstone Concert\,2008:EventInstance_47976392635426 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Concerts & Performances DESCRIPTION:2024 Senior Capstone Concert\n\nInbound\n\nNovember 21–22\, 7:0 0 PM\nNovember 23\, 1:00 & 7:00 PM\nShirley Wimmer Dance Theater\, Putnam H all\n\nPurchase Tickets Here\n\nInbound: traveling toward a particular plac e\, especially when returning to the original point of departure. The Senio r Capstone Concert is a production to encapsulate the unique and diverse in dividuals who make up this year's class. The title Inbound honors all that we've learned as a cohort before departing on our own separate paths. We ha ve come a long way since our freshman year in 2021\, and could not have don e it without the help of our wonderful faculty. The seniors would like to t hank John Bohuslawsky\, Christi Camper-Moore\, Tresa Randall\, and Travis G atling for their unwavering support and mentorship over the last four years . Thank you for coming\, and we hope you enjoy the show! DTEND:20241123T010000Z DTSTAMP:20241114T055435Z DTSTART:20241123T000000Z LOCATION:The Shirley Wimmer Dance Theater SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:School of Dance Senior Capstone Concert\,2008:EventInstance_47976392636451 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Concerts & Performances DESCRIPTION:2024 Senior Capstone Concert\n\nInbound\n\nNovember 21–22\, 7:0 0 PM\nNovember 23\, 1:00 & 7:00 PM\nShirley Wimmer Dance Theater\, Putnam H all\n\nPurchase Tickets Here\n\nInbound: traveling toward a particular plac e\, especially when returning to the original point of departure. The Senio r Capstone Concert is a production to encapsulate the unique and diverse in dividuals who make up this year's class. The title Inbound honors all that we've learned as a cohort before departing on our own separate paths. We ha ve come a long way since our freshman year in 2021\, and could not have don e it without the help of our wonderful faculty. The seniors would like to t hank John Bohuslawsky\, Christi Camper-Moore\, Tresa Randall\, and Travis G atling for their unwavering support and mentorship over the last four years . Thank you for coming\, and we hope you enjoy the show! DTEND:20241123T190000Z DTSTAMP:20241114T055435Z DTSTART:20241123T180000Z LOCATION:The Shirley Wimmer Dance Theater SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:School of Dance Senior Capstone Concert\,2008:EventInstance_47976392638500 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Concerts & Performances DESCRIPTION:2024 Senior Capstone Concert\n\nInbound\n\nNovember 21–22\, 7:0 0 PM\nNovember 23\, 1:00 & 7:00 PM\nShirley Wimmer Dance Theater\, Putnam H all\n\nPurchase Tickets Here\n\nInbound: traveling toward a particular plac e\, especially when returning to the original point of departure. The Senio r Capstone Concert is a production to encapsulate the unique and diverse in dividuals who make up this year's class. The title Inbound honors all that we've learned as a cohort before departing on our own separate paths. We ha ve come a long way since our freshman year in 2021\, and could not have don e it without the help of our wonderful faculty. The seniors would like to t hank John Bohuslawsky\, Christi Camper-Moore\, Tresa Randall\, and Travis G atling for their unwavering support and mentorship over the last four years . Thank you for coming\, and we hope you enjoy the show! DTEND:20241124T010000Z DTSTAMP:20241114T055435Z DTSTART:20241124T000000Z LOCATION:The Shirley Wimmer Dance Theater SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:School of Dance Senior Capstone Concert\,2008:EventInstance_47976392640549 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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