BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Concerts & Performances DESCRIPTION:Blood at the Root\n\n \n\nBy Dominique Morisseau\nDirected by T iffany Nichole Greene\n\n \n\nA striking ensemble drama based on the Jena S ix\, six Black students who were initially charged with attempted murder fo r a school fight after being provoked with nooses hanging from a tree on ca mpus. This bold play examines the miscarriage of justice\, racial double st andards\, and the crises in relations between men and women of all classes and\, as a result\, the shattering state of Black family life.\n\n \n\nThe Thursday\, February 25 show is a preview performance.\n\n \n\nGet all Colle ge of Fine Arts events in your inbox! Subscribe to our Monday e-newsletter to review the week's arts events at-a-glance. Sign up here! DTEND:20210226T020000Z DTSTAMP:20250220T030055Z DTSTART:20210226T010000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:School of Theater presents: Blood at the Root\,2008:EventInstance_35679502798303 URL: _root END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Concerts & Performances DESCRIPTION:Blood at the Root\n\n \n\nBy Dominique Morisseau\nDirected by T iffany Nichole Greene\n\n \n\nA striking ensemble drama based on the Jena S ix\, six Black students who were initially charged with attempted murder fo r a school fight after being provoked with nooses hanging from a tree on ca mpus. This bold play examines the miscarriage of justice\, racial double st andards\, and the crises in relations between men and women of all classes and\, as a result\, the shattering state of Black family life.\n\n \n\nThe Thursday\, February 25 show is a preview performance.\n\n \n\nGet all Colle ge of Fine Arts events in your inbox! Subscribe to our Monday e-newsletter to review the week's arts events at-a-glance. Sign up here! DTEND:20210227T020000Z DTSTAMP:20250220T030055Z DTSTART:20210227T010000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:School of Theater presents: Blood at the Root\,2008:EventInstance_35679502800352 URL: _root END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Concerts & Performances DESCRIPTION:Blood at the Root\n\n \n\nBy Dominique Morisseau\nDirected by T iffany Nichole Greene\n\n \n\nA striking ensemble drama based on the Jena S ix\, six Black students who were initially charged with attempted murder fo r a school fight after being provoked with nooses hanging from a tree on ca mpus. This bold play examines the miscarriage of justice\, racial double st andards\, and the crises in relations between men and women of all classes and\, as a result\, the shattering state of Black family life.\n\n \n\nThe Thursday\, February 25 show is a preview performance.\n\n \n\nGet all Colle ge of Fine Arts events in your inbox! Subscribe to our Monday e-newsletter to review the week's arts events at-a-glance. Sign up here! DTEND:20210227T200000Z DTSTAMP:20250220T030055Z DTSTART:20210227T190000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:School of Theater presents: Blood at the Root\,2008:EventInstance_36030878055494 URL: _root END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Concerts & Performances DESCRIPTION:Blood at the Root\n\n \n\nBy Dominique Morisseau\nDirected by T iffany Nichole Greene\n\n \n\nA striking ensemble drama based on the Jena S ix\, six Black students who were initially charged with attempted murder fo r a school fight after being provoked with nooses hanging from a tree on ca mpus. This bold play examines the miscarriage of justice\, racial double st andards\, and the crises in relations between men and women of all classes and\, as a result\, the shattering state of Black family life.\n\n \n\nThe Thursday\, February 25 show is a preview performance.\n\n \n\nGet all Colle ge of Fine Arts events in your inbox! Subscribe to our Monday e-newsletter to review the week's arts events at-a-glance. Sign up here! DTEND:20210228T020000Z DTSTAMP:20250220T030055Z DTSTART:20210228T010000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:School of Theater presents: Blood at the Root\,2008:EventInstance_35679502801377 URL: _root END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Concerts & Performances DESCRIPTION:Blood at the Root\n\n \n\nBy Dominique Morisseau\nDirected by T iffany Nichole Greene\n\n \n\nA striking ensemble drama based on the Jena S ix\, six Black students who were initially charged with attempted murder fo r a school fight after being provoked with nooses hanging from a tree on ca mpus. This bold play examines the miscarriage of justice\, racial double st andards\, and the crises in relations between men and women of all classes and\, as a result\, the shattering state of Black family life.\n\n \n\nThe Thursday\, February 25 show is a preview performance.\n\n \n\nGet all Colle ge of Fine Arts events in your inbox! Subscribe to our Monday e-newsletter to review the week's arts events at-a-glance. Sign up here! DTEND:20210303T020000Z DTSTAMP:20250220T030055Z DTSTART:20210303T010000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:School of Theater presents: Blood at the Root\,2008:EventInstance_36042190568987 URL: _root END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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