BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Paul Benedict\n\nOhio University's Science Cafe series presents Paul Benedict discussing “Impact Research – Rallying people and resources to your cause” at 5 p.m. on Wednesday\, Oct. 21.\n\nBenedict is associate p rofessor of management and director of the Center for Entrepreneurship in t he College of Business at Ohio University.\n\nWatch on YouTube.Watch on Fac ebook.Research has value for its own academic sake\, but there can also be a great opportunity to translate research into real world impact for people and society. In this interactive\, high-energy workshop\, Benedict will of fer tips and best practices for how researchers can effectively tell their story to rally people and resources to their cause.\n\n“The approach and sk ills needed to explain your research in an academic setting can be very dif ferent than how you’d want to pitch your research to potential partners\, b enefactors and investors\,” says Benedict.\n\nBenedict will demystify the p rocess\, offering some simple ways for researchers to make their pitches mo re confidently and more compelling. He will also talk about some specific o pportunities to find resources to hone and market their research.\n\nThe se ries is supported by the Ohio University Research Division and Ohio Univers ity Chapter of Sigma Xi. For more information visit the Science Cafe websit e.\n\nWatch previous Science Cafes on YouTube.Watch a 1-minute video about the Café Series.\n\nFall 2020 Science Cafe Schedule\n\nLinks to these virtu al events will be posted several days before the event on the Science Cafe website and on the Ohio University Calendar.\n\nSept. 2: Athens City-County Health Department\, "College with COVID: One Community\, One Mission." | Watch on YouTube.\n\nSept. 16: Rob Brannan\, Professor of Applied Health Sc iences and Wellness. | Watch on YouTube.\n\nOct. 5: Witmer Lab\, (Larry Wit mer\, Professor of Biomedical Sciences and his lab). | Watch on YouTube.\n\ nOct. 21: Paul Benedict\, Director of Center for Entrepreneurship.\n\nNov. 4: Geoff Dabelko\, Professor of Environmental Studies.\n\nNov. 18: Nathan W eyand\, Assistant Professor\, Biological Sciences\, "Antibiotic Resistance and Protective Blood." DTEND:20201021T220000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T053857Z DTSTART:20201021T210000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Science Cafe | Impact Research – Rallying People and Resources to Y our Cause\, Oct. 21\,2008:EventInstance_34353119517771 URL: ocial_entrepreneurship END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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