BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Science Cafe | Chemotyping Natural Medicines Using Spectroscopy and Machine Learning\, March 24\n\nOhio University's Science Café series f eatures Dr. Peter Harrington discussing "Chemotyping Natural Medicines Usin g Spectroscopy and Machine Learning" on Wednesday\, March 24\, at 5 p.m.\n\ nHarrington is professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry at Ohio University.\n\ nWatch on YouTube.Watch on Facebook.Natural medicines and supplements are a growing market in the USA and globally. Examples include cannabis\, black cohosh\, cinnamon\, and ginseng. The U.S. Department of Agriculture and the AOAC-International\, an organization of analytical science experts\, are i nterested in developing methods for evaluating the quality of these plant-b ased products.\n\nUnlike conventional pharmaceuticals that may contain only a handful of ingredients\, botanicals and their products\, such as tinctur es\, oils\, and extracts\, may contain hundreds of chemical compounds. In a ddition\, because plants are grown instead of synthesized like most drugs\, their chemical composition may vary based on growing conditions\, harvesti ng\, and portions of the plants. In addition\, natural medicines are suscep tible to economic fraud\, contamination\, and adulteration.\n\nOne approach to characterizing botanical materials is by chemotyping\, which provides a fingerprint of the chemical composition.\n\nIn his Science Cafe\, Harringt on will talk about how scientists develop rapid and accurate testing for ma intaining the quality of the medicine and protecting the consumer. DTEND:20210324T220000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T223802Z DTSTART:20210324T210000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Science Cafe | Chemotyping Natural Medicines Using Spectroscopy and Machine Learning\, March 24\,2008:EventInstance_35978270739237 URL: 24 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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