BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:No-cost\, confidential care close to home\n\nThe Heritage Commu nity Clinic and Equitas Health are partnering to provide sexual health and wellness education and quality\, no-cost health care in a confidential clin ical environment. We provide on-site\, same-day assessment\, screening\, an d treatment at no cost.\n\nOur collaborative services include:\n\nSTI testi ng and treatmentHIV testingHPV vaccinationsInsurance enrollmentContraceptiv es and safer sex suppliesPrEP treatment and navigationPregnancy testingCare is provided at the Heritage Community Clinic in Athens and on the Heritage Community Clinic mobile health units in The Plains and Nelsonville. Walk- in appointments are welcome at our Sexual Health & Wellness Clinics. DTEND:20241203T173000Z DTSTAMP:20250222T212753Z DTSTART:20241203T140000Z GEO:39.461603;-82.232273 LOCATION:10 West Washington Street\, Nelsonville Ohio 45764 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sexual Health and Wellness Clinic\,2008:EventInstance_48278394409610 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:No-cost\, confidential care close to home\n\nThe Heritage Commu nity Clinic and Equitas Health are partnering to provide sexual health and wellness education and quality\, no-cost health care in a confidential clin ical environment. We provide on-site\, same-day assessment\, screening\, an d treatment at no cost.\n\nOur collaborative services include:\n\nSTI testi ng and treatmentHIV testingHPV vaccinationsInsurance enrollmentContraceptiv es and safer sex suppliesPrEP treatment and navigationPregnancy testingCare is provided at the Heritage Community Clinic in Athens and on the Heritage Community Clinic mobile health units in The Plains and Nelsonville. Walk- in appointments are welcome at our Sexual Health & Wellness Clinics. DTEND:20250107T173000Z DTSTAMP:20250222T212753Z DTSTART:20250107T140000Z GEO:39.461603;-82.232273 LOCATION:10 West Washington Street\, Nelsonville Ohio 45764 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sexual Health and Wellness Clinic\,2008:EventInstance_48278394411659 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:No-cost\, confidential care close to home\n\nThe Heritage Commu nity Clinic and Equitas Health are partnering to provide sexual health and wellness education and quality\, no-cost health care in a confidential clin ical environment. We provide on-site\, same-day assessment\, screening\, an d treatment at no cost.\n\nOur collaborative services include:\n\nSTI testi ng and treatmentHIV testingHPV vaccinationsInsurance enrollmentContraceptiv es and safer sex suppliesPrEP treatment and navigationPregnancy testingCare is provided at the Heritage Community Clinic in Athens and on the Heritage Community Clinic mobile health units in The Plains and Nelsonville. Walk- in appointments are welcome at our Sexual Health & Wellness Clinics. DTEND:20250204T173000Z DTSTAMP:20250222T212753Z DTSTART:20250204T140000Z GEO:39.461603;-82.232273 LOCATION:10 West Washington Street\, Nelsonville Ohio 45764 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sexual Health and Wellness Clinic\,2008:EventInstance_48278394413708 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:No-cost\, confidential care close to home\n\nThe Heritage Commu nity Clinic and Equitas Health are partnering to provide sexual health and wellness education and quality\, no-cost health care in a confidential clin ical environment. We provide on-site\, same-day assessment\, screening\, an d treatment at no cost.\n\nOur collaborative services include:\n\nSTI testi ng and treatmentHIV testingHPV vaccinationsInsurance enrollmentContraceptiv es and safer sex suppliesPrEP treatment and navigationPregnancy testingCare is provided at the Heritage Community Clinic in Athens and on the Heritage Community Clinic mobile health units in The Plains and Nelsonville. Walk- in appointments are welcome at our Sexual Health & Wellness Clinics. DTEND:20250304T173000Z DTSTAMP:20250222T212753Z DTSTART:20250304T140000Z GEO:39.461603;-82.232273 LOCATION:10 West Washington Street\, Nelsonville Ohio 45764 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sexual Health and Wellness Clinic\,2008:EventInstance_48278394415757 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:No-cost\, confidential care close to home\n\nThe Heritage Commu nity Clinic and Equitas Health are partnering to provide sexual health and wellness education and quality\, no-cost health care in a confidential clin ical environment. We provide on-site\, same-day assessment\, screening\, an d treatment at no cost.\n\nOur collaborative services include:\n\nSTI testi ng and treatmentHIV testingHPV vaccinationsInsurance enrollmentContraceptiv es and safer sex suppliesPrEP treatment and navigationPregnancy testingCare is provided at the Heritage Community Clinic in Athens and on the Heritage Community Clinic mobile health units in The Plains and Nelsonville. Walk- in appointments are welcome at our Sexual Health & Wellness Clinics. DTEND:20250401T163000Z DTSTAMP:20250222T212753Z DTSTART:20250401T130000Z GEO:39.461603;-82.232273 LOCATION:10 West Washington Street\, Nelsonville Ohio 45764 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sexual Health and Wellness Clinic\,2008:EventInstance_48278394416782 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:No-cost\, confidential care close to home\n\nThe Heritage Commu nity Clinic and Equitas Health are partnering to provide sexual health and wellness education and quality\, no-cost health care in a confidential clin ical environment. We provide on-site\, same-day assessment\, screening\, an d treatment at no cost.\n\nOur collaborative services include:\n\nSTI testi ng and treatmentHIV testingHPV vaccinationsInsurance enrollmentContraceptiv es and safer sex suppliesPrEP treatment and navigationPregnancy testingCare is provided at the Heritage Community Clinic in Athens and on the Heritage Community Clinic mobile health units in The Plains and Nelsonville. Walk- in appointments are welcome at our Sexual Health & Wellness Clinics. DTEND:20250506T163000Z DTSTAMP:20250222T212753Z DTSTART:20250506T130000Z GEO:39.461603;-82.232273 LOCATION:10 West Washington Street\, Nelsonville Ohio 45764 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sexual Health and Wellness Clinic\,2008:EventInstance_48278394418831 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:No-cost\, confidential care close to home\n\nThe Heritage Commu nity Clinic and Equitas Health are partnering to provide sexual health and wellness education and quality\, no-cost health care in a confidential clin ical environment. We provide on-site\, same-day assessment\, screening\, an d treatment at no cost.\n\nOur collaborative services include:\n\nSTI testi ng and treatmentHIV testingHPV vaccinationsInsurance enrollmentContraceptiv es and safer sex suppliesPrEP treatment and navigationPregnancy testingCare is provided at the Heritage Community Clinic in Athens and on the Heritage Community Clinic mobile health units in The Plains and Nelsonville. Walk- in appointments are welcome at our Sexual Health & Wellness Clinics. DTEND:20250603T163000Z DTSTAMP:20250222T212753Z DTSTART:20250603T130000Z GEO:39.461603;-82.232273 LOCATION:10 West Washington Street\, Nelsonville Ohio 45764 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sexual Health and Wellness Clinic\,2008:EventInstance_48278394419856 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:No-cost\, confidential care close to home\n\nThe Heritage Commu nity Clinic and Equitas Health are partnering to provide sexual health and wellness education and quality\, no-cost health care in a confidential clin ical environment. We provide on-site\, same-day assessment\, screening\, an d treatment at no cost.\n\nOur collaborative services include:\n\nSTI testi ng and treatmentHIV testingHPV vaccinationsInsurance enrollmentContraceptiv es and safer sex suppliesPrEP treatment and navigationPregnancy testingCare is provided at the Heritage Community Clinic in Athens and on the Heritage Community Clinic mobile health units in The Plains and Nelsonville. Walk- in appointments are welcome at our Sexual Health & Wellness Clinics. DTEND:20250701T163000Z DTSTAMP:20250222T212753Z DTSTART:20250701T130000Z GEO:39.461603;-82.232273 LOCATION:10 West Washington Street\, Nelsonville Ohio 45764 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sexual Health and Wellness Clinic\,2008:EventInstance_48278394421905 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:No-cost\, confidential care close to home\n\nThe Heritage Commu nity Clinic and Equitas Health are partnering to provide sexual health and wellness education and quality\, no-cost health care in a confidential clin ical environment. We provide on-site\, same-day assessment\, screening\, an d treatment at no cost.\n\nOur collaborative services include:\n\nSTI testi ng and treatmentHIV testingHPV vaccinationsInsurance enrollmentContraceptiv es and safer sex suppliesPrEP treatment and navigationPregnancy testingCare is provided at the Heritage Community Clinic in Athens and on the Heritage Community Clinic mobile health units in The Plains and Nelsonville. Walk- in appointments are welcome at our Sexual Health & Wellness Clinics. DTEND:20250805T163000Z DTSTAMP:20250222T212753Z DTSTART:20250805T130000Z GEO:39.461603;-82.232273 LOCATION:10 West Washington Street\, Nelsonville Ohio 45764 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sexual Health and Wellness Clinic\,2008:EventInstance_48278394423954 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:No-cost\, confidential care close to home\n\nThe Heritage Commu nity Clinic and Equitas Health are partnering to provide sexual health and wellness education and quality\, no-cost health care in a confidential clin ical environment. We provide on-site\, same-day assessment\, screening\, an d treatment at no cost.\n\nOur collaborative services include:\n\nSTI testi ng and treatmentHIV testingHPV vaccinationsInsurance enrollmentContraceptiv es and safer sex suppliesPrEP treatment and navigationPregnancy testingCare is provided at the Heritage Community Clinic in Athens and on the Heritage Community Clinic mobile health units in The Plains and Nelsonville. Walk- in appointments are welcome at our Sexual Health & Wellness Clinics. DTEND:20250902T163000Z DTSTAMP:20250222T212753Z DTSTART:20250902T130000Z GEO:39.461603;-82.232273 LOCATION:10 West Washington Street\, Nelsonville Ohio 45764 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sexual Health and Wellness Clinic\,2008:EventInstance_48278394424979 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:No-cost\, confidential care close to home\n\nThe Heritage Commu nity Clinic and Equitas Health are partnering to provide sexual health and wellness education and quality\, no-cost health care in a confidential clin ical environment. We provide on-site\, same-day assessment\, screening\, an d treatment at no cost.\n\nOur collaborative services include:\n\nSTI testi ng and treatmentHIV testingHPV vaccinationsInsurance enrollmentContraceptiv es and safer sex suppliesPrEP treatment and navigationPregnancy testingCare is provided at the Heritage Community Clinic in Athens and on the Heritage Community Clinic mobile health units in The Plains and Nelsonville. Walk- in appointments are welcome at our Sexual Health & Wellness Clinics. DTEND:20251007T163000Z DTSTAMP:20250222T212753Z DTSTART:20251007T130000Z GEO:39.461603;-82.232273 LOCATION:10 West Washington Street\, Nelsonville Ohio 45764 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sexual Health and Wellness Clinic\,2008:EventInstance_48278394427028 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:No-cost\, confidential care close to home\n\nThe Heritage Commu nity Clinic and Equitas Health are partnering to provide sexual health and wellness education and quality\, no-cost health care in a confidential clin ical environment. We provide on-site\, same-day assessment\, screening\, an d treatment at no cost.\n\nOur collaborative services include:\n\nSTI testi ng and treatmentHIV testingHPV vaccinationsInsurance enrollmentContraceptiv es and safer sex suppliesPrEP treatment and navigationPregnancy testingCare is provided at the Heritage Community Clinic in Athens and on the Heritage Community Clinic mobile health units in The Plains and Nelsonville. Walk- in appointments are welcome at our Sexual Health & Wellness Clinics. DTEND:20251104T173000Z DTSTAMP:20250222T212753Z DTSTART:20251104T140000Z GEO:39.461603;-82.232273 LOCATION:10 West Washington Street\, Nelsonville Ohio 45764 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sexual Health and Wellness Clinic\,2008:EventInstance_48278394429077 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:No-cost\, confidential care close to home\n\nThe Heritage Commu nity Clinic and Equitas Health are partnering to provide sexual health and wellness education and quality\, no-cost health care in a confidential clin ical environment. We provide on-site\, same-day assessment\, screening\, an d treatment at no cost.\n\nOur collaborative services include:\n\nSTI testi ng and treatmentHIV testingHPV vaccinationsInsurance enrollmentContraceptiv es and safer sex suppliesPrEP treatment and navigationPregnancy testingCare is provided at the Heritage Community Clinic in Athens and on the Heritage Community Clinic mobile health units in The Plains and Nelsonville. Walk- in appointments are welcome at our Sexual Health & Wellness Clinics. DTEND:20251202T173000Z DTSTAMP:20250222T212753Z DTSTART:20251202T140000Z GEO:39.461603;-82.232273 LOCATION:10 West Washington Street\, Nelsonville Ohio 45764 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sexual Health and Wellness Clinic\,2008:EventInstance_48278394430102 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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