BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:OHIO Lancaster and Instructor Fotima Taylor Azimova presents\n\ nSharpen Your Mind with Pencils:\n\nA Student Art Exhibition\n\n \n\nDates: Friday\, April 1 through Tuesday\, May 10\, 2022\nPlace: Wilkes Gallery\nC ost: FREE\; Open to faculty\, staff\, students and the public DTEND:20220401T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241126T121834Z DTSTART:20220401T120000Z GEO:39.728192;-82.596044 LOCATION:Wilkes Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sharpen Your Mind with Pencils\,2008:EventInstance_39572475195106 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:OHIO Lancaster and Instructor Fotima Taylor Azimova presents\n\ nSharpen Your Mind with Pencils:\n\nA Student Art Exhibition\n\n \n\nDates: Friday\, April 1 through Tuesday\, May 10\, 2022\nPlace: Wilkes Gallery\nC ost: FREE\; Open to faculty\, staff\, students and the public DTEND:20220404T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241126T121834Z DTSTART:20220404T120000Z GEO:39.728192;-82.596044 LOCATION:Wilkes Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sharpen Your Mind with Pencils\,2008:EventInstance_39572475197155 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:OHIO Lancaster and Instructor Fotima Taylor Azimova presents\n\ nSharpen Your Mind with Pencils:\n\nA Student Art Exhibition\n\n \n\nDates: Friday\, April 1 through Tuesday\, May 10\, 2022\nPlace: Wilkes Gallery\nC ost: FREE\; Open to faculty\, staff\, students and the public DTEND:20220405T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241126T121834Z DTSTART:20220405T120000Z GEO:39.728192;-82.596044 LOCATION:Wilkes Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sharpen Your Mind with Pencils\,2008:EventInstance_39572475199204 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:OHIO Lancaster and Instructor Fotima Taylor Azimova presents\n\ nSharpen Your Mind with Pencils:\n\nA Student Art Exhibition\n\n \n\nDates: Friday\, April 1 through Tuesday\, May 10\, 2022\nPlace: Wilkes Gallery\nC ost: FREE\; Open to faculty\, staff\, students and the public DTEND:20220406T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241126T121834Z DTSTART:20220406T120000Z GEO:39.728192;-82.596044 LOCATION:Wilkes Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sharpen Your Mind with Pencils\,2008:EventInstance_39572475201253 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:OHIO Lancaster and Instructor Fotima Taylor Azimova presents\n\ nSharpen Your Mind with Pencils:\n\nA Student Art Exhibition\n\n \n\nDates: Friday\, April 1 through Tuesday\, May 10\, 2022\nPlace: Wilkes Gallery\nC ost: FREE\; Open to faculty\, staff\, students and the public DTEND:20220407T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241126T121834Z DTSTART:20220407T120000Z GEO:39.728192;-82.596044 LOCATION:Wilkes Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sharpen Your Mind with Pencils\,2008:EventInstance_39572475203302 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:OHIO Lancaster and Instructor Fotima Taylor Azimova presents\n\ nSharpen Your Mind with Pencils:\n\nA Student Art Exhibition\n\n \n\nDates: Friday\, April 1 through Tuesday\, May 10\, 2022\nPlace: Wilkes Gallery\nC ost: FREE\; Open to faculty\, staff\, students and the public DTEND:20220408T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241126T121834Z DTSTART:20220408T120000Z GEO:39.728192;-82.596044 LOCATION:Wilkes Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sharpen Your Mind with Pencils\,2008:EventInstance_39572475205351 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:OHIO Lancaster and Instructor Fotima Taylor Azimova presents\n\ nSharpen Your Mind with Pencils:\n\nA Student Art Exhibition\n\n \n\nDates: Friday\, April 1 through Tuesday\, May 10\, 2022\nPlace: Wilkes Gallery\nC ost: FREE\; Open to faculty\, staff\, students and the public DTEND:20220411T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241126T121834Z DTSTART:20220411T120000Z GEO:39.728192;-82.596044 LOCATION:Wilkes Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sharpen Your Mind with Pencils\,2008:EventInstance_39572475207400 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:OHIO Lancaster and Instructor Fotima Taylor Azimova presents\n\ nSharpen Your Mind with Pencils:\n\nA Student Art Exhibition\n\n \n\nDates: Friday\, April 1 through Tuesday\, May 10\, 2022\nPlace: Wilkes Gallery\nC ost: FREE\; Open to faculty\, staff\, students and the public DTEND:20220412T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241126T121834Z DTSTART:20220412T120000Z GEO:39.728192;-82.596044 LOCATION:Wilkes Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sharpen Your Mind with Pencils\,2008:EventInstance_39572475209449 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:OHIO Lancaster and Instructor Fotima Taylor Azimova presents\n\ nSharpen Your Mind with Pencils:\n\nA Student Art Exhibition\n\n \n\nDates: Friday\, April 1 through Tuesday\, May 10\, 2022\nPlace: Wilkes Gallery\nC ost: FREE\; Open to faculty\, staff\, students and the public DTEND:20220413T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241126T121834Z DTSTART:20220413T120000Z GEO:39.728192;-82.596044 LOCATION:Wilkes Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sharpen Your Mind with Pencils\,2008:EventInstance_39572475211498 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:OHIO Lancaster and Instructor Fotima Taylor Azimova presents\n\ nSharpen Your Mind with Pencils:\n\nA Student Art Exhibition\n\n \n\nDates: Friday\, April 1 through Tuesday\, May 10\, 2022\nPlace: Wilkes Gallery\nC ost: FREE\; Open to faculty\, staff\, students and the public DTEND:20220414T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241126T121834Z DTSTART:20220414T120000Z GEO:39.728192;-82.596044 LOCATION:Wilkes Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sharpen Your Mind with Pencils\,2008:EventInstance_39572475213547 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:OHIO Lancaster and Instructor Fotima Taylor Azimova presents\n\ nSharpen Your Mind with Pencils:\n\nA Student Art Exhibition\n\n \n\nDates: Friday\, April 1 through Tuesday\, May 10\, 2022\nPlace: Wilkes Gallery\nC ost: FREE\; Open to faculty\, staff\, students and the public DTEND:20220415T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241126T121834Z DTSTART:20220415T120000Z GEO:39.728192;-82.596044 LOCATION:Wilkes Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sharpen Your Mind with Pencils\,2008:EventInstance_39572475215596 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:OHIO Lancaster and Instructor Fotima Taylor Azimova presents\n\ nSharpen Your Mind with Pencils:\n\nA Student Art Exhibition\n\n \n\nDates: Friday\, April 1 through Tuesday\, May 10\, 2022\nPlace: Wilkes Gallery\nC ost: FREE\; Open to faculty\, staff\, students and the public DTEND:20220418T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241126T121834Z DTSTART:20220418T120000Z GEO:39.728192;-82.596044 LOCATION:Wilkes Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sharpen Your Mind with Pencils\,2008:EventInstance_39572475218669 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:OHIO Lancaster and Instructor Fotima Taylor Azimova presents\n\ nSharpen Your Mind with Pencils:\n\nA Student Art Exhibition\n\n \n\nDates: Friday\, April 1 through Tuesday\, May 10\, 2022\nPlace: Wilkes Gallery\nC ost: FREE\; Open to faculty\, staff\, students and the public DTEND:20220419T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241126T121834Z DTSTART:20220419T120000Z GEO:39.728192;-82.596044 LOCATION:Wilkes Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sharpen Your Mind with Pencils\,2008:EventInstance_39572475220718 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:OHIO Lancaster and Instructor Fotima Taylor Azimova presents\n\ nSharpen Your Mind with Pencils:\n\nA Student Art Exhibition\n\n \n\nDates: Friday\, April 1 through Tuesday\, May 10\, 2022\nPlace: Wilkes Gallery\nC ost: FREE\; Open to faculty\, staff\, students and the public DTEND:20220420T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241126T121834Z DTSTART:20220420T120000Z GEO:39.728192;-82.596044 LOCATION:Wilkes Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sharpen Your Mind with Pencils\,2008:EventInstance_39572475223791 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:OHIO Lancaster and Instructor Fotima Taylor Azimova presents\n\ nSharpen Your Mind with Pencils:\n\nA Student Art Exhibition\n\n \n\nDates: Friday\, April 1 through Tuesday\, May 10\, 2022\nPlace: Wilkes Gallery\nC ost: FREE\; Open to faculty\, staff\, students and the public DTEND:20220421T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241126T121834Z DTSTART:20220421T120000Z GEO:39.728192;-82.596044 LOCATION:Wilkes Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sharpen Your Mind with Pencils\,2008:EventInstance_39572475225840 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:OHIO Lancaster and Instructor Fotima Taylor Azimova presents\n\ nSharpen Your Mind with Pencils:\n\nA Student Art Exhibition\n\n \n\nDates: Friday\, April 1 through Tuesday\, May 10\, 2022\nPlace: Wilkes Gallery\nC ost: FREE\; Open to faculty\, staff\, students and the public DTEND:20220422T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241126T121834Z DTSTART:20220422T120000Z GEO:39.728192;-82.596044 LOCATION:Wilkes Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sharpen Your Mind with Pencils\,2008:EventInstance_39572475227889 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:OHIO Lancaster and Instructor Fotima Taylor Azimova presents\n\ nSharpen Your Mind with Pencils:\n\nA Student Art Exhibition\n\n \n\nDates: Friday\, April 1 through Tuesday\, May 10\, 2022\nPlace: Wilkes Gallery\nC ost: FREE\; Open to faculty\, staff\, students and the public DTEND:20220425T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241126T121834Z DTSTART:20220425T120000Z GEO:39.728192;-82.596044 LOCATION:Wilkes Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sharpen Your Mind with Pencils\,2008:EventInstance_39572475228914 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:OHIO Lancaster and Instructor Fotima Taylor Azimova presents\n\ nSharpen Your Mind with Pencils:\n\nA Student Art Exhibition\n\n \n\nDates: Friday\, April 1 through Tuesday\, May 10\, 2022\nPlace: Wilkes Gallery\nC ost: FREE\; Open to faculty\, staff\, students and the public DTEND:20220426T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241126T121834Z DTSTART:20220426T120000Z GEO:39.728192;-82.596044 LOCATION:Wilkes Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sharpen Your Mind with Pencils\,2008:EventInstance_39572475230963 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:OHIO Lancaster and Instructor Fotima Taylor Azimova presents\n\ nSharpen Your Mind with Pencils:\n\nA Student Art Exhibition\n\n \n\nDates: Friday\, April 1 through Tuesday\, May 10\, 2022\nPlace: Wilkes Gallery\nC ost: FREE\; Open to faculty\, staff\, students and the public DTEND:20220427T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241126T121834Z DTSTART:20220427T120000Z GEO:39.728192;-82.596044 LOCATION:Wilkes Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sharpen Your Mind with Pencils\,2008:EventInstance_39572475233012 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:OHIO Lancaster and Instructor Fotima Taylor Azimova presents\n\ nSharpen Your Mind with Pencils:\n\nA Student Art Exhibition\n\n \n\nDates: Friday\, April 1 through Tuesday\, May 10\, 2022\nPlace: Wilkes Gallery\nC ost: FREE\; Open to faculty\, staff\, students and the public DTEND:20220428T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241126T121834Z DTSTART:20220428T120000Z GEO:39.728192;-82.596044 LOCATION:Wilkes Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sharpen Your Mind with Pencils\,2008:EventInstance_39572475235061 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:OHIO Lancaster and Instructor Fotima Taylor Azimova presents\n\ nSharpen Your Mind with Pencils:\n\nA Student Art Exhibition\n\n \n\nDates: Friday\, April 1 through Tuesday\, May 10\, 2022\nPlace: Wilkes Gallery\nC ost: FREE\; Open to faculty\, staff\, students and the public DTEND:20220429T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241126T121834Z DTSTART:20220429T120000Z GEO:39.728192;-82.596044 LOCATION:Wilkes Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sharpen Your Mind with Pencils\,2008:EventInstance_39572475237110 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:OHIO Lancaster and Instructor Fotima Taylor Azimova presents\n\ nSharpen Your Mind with Pencils:\n\nA Student Art Exhibition\n\n \n\nDates: Friday\, April 1 through Tuesday\, May 10\, 2022\nPlace: Wilkes Gallery\nC ost: FREE\; Open to faculty\, staff\, students and the public DTEND:20220502T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241126T121834Z DTSTART:20220502T120000Z GEO:39.728192;-82.596044 LOCATION:Wilkes Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sharpen Your Mind with Pencils\,2008:EventInstance_39572475239159 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:OHIO Lancaster and Instructor Fotima Taylor Azimova presents\n\ nSharpen Your Mind with Pencils:\n\nA Student Art Exhibition\n\n \n\nDates: Friday\, April 1 through Tuesday\, May 10\, 2022\nPlace: Wilkes Gallery\nC ost: FREE\; Open to faculty\, staff\, students and the public DTEND:20220503T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241126T121834Z DTSTART:20220503T120000Z GEO:39.728192;-82.596044 LOCATION:Wilkes Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sharpen Your Mind with Pencils\,2008:EventInstance_39572475241208 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:OHIO Lancaster and Instructor Fotima Taylor Azimova presents\n\ nSharpen Your Mind with Pencils:\n\nA Student Art Exhibition\n\n \n\nDates: Friday\, April 1 through Tuesday\, May 10\, 2022\nPlace: Wilkes Gallery\nC ost: FREE\; Open to faculty\, staff\, students and the public DTEND:20220504T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241126T121834Z DTSTART:20220504T120000Z GEO:39.728192;-82.596044 LOCATION:Wilkes Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sharpen Your Mind with Pencils\,2008:EventInstance_39572475243257 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:OHIO Lancaster and Instructor Fotima Taylor Azimova presents\n\ nSharpen Your Mind with Pencils:\n\nA Student Art Exhibition\n\n \n\nDates: Friday\, April 1 through Tuesday\, May 10\, 2022\nPlace: Wilkes Gallery\nC ost: FREE\; Open to faculty\, staff\, students and the public DTEND:20220505T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241126T121834Z DTSTART:20220505T120000Z GEO:39.728192;-82.596044 LOCATION:Wilkes Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sharpen Your Mind with Pencils\,2008:EventInstance_39572475245306 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:OHIO Lancaster and Instructor Fotima Taylor Azimova presents\n\ nSharpen Your Mind with Pencils:\n\nA Student Art Exhibition\n\n \n\nDates: Friday\, April 1 through Tuesday\, May 10\, 2022\nPlace: Wilkes Gallery\nC ost: FREE\; Open to faculty\, staff\, students and the public DTEND:20220506T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241126T121834Z DTSTART:20220506T120000Z GEO:39.728192;-82.596044 LOCATION:Wilkes Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sharpen Your Mind with Pencils\,2008:EventInstance_39572475247355 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:OHIO Lancaster and Instructor Fotima Taylor Azimova presents\n\ nSharpen Your Mind with Pencils:\n\nA Student Art Exhibition\n\n \n\nDates: Friday\, April 1 through Tuesday\, May 10\, 2022\nPlace: Wilkes Gallery\nC ost: FREE\; Open to faculty\, staff\, students and the public DTEND:20220509T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241126T121834Z DTSTART:20220509T120000Z GEO:39.728192;-82.596044 LOCATION:Wilkes Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sharpen Your Mind with Pencils\,2008:EventInstance_39572475249404 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:OHIO Lancaster and Instructor Fotima Taylor Azimova presents\n\ nSharpen Your Mind with Pencils:\n\nA Student Art Exhibition\n\n \n\nDates: Friday\, April 1 through Tuesday\, May 10\, 2022\nPlace: Wilkes Gallery\nC ost: FREE\; Open to faculty\, staff\, students and the public DTEND:20220510T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241126T121834Z DTSTART:20220510T120000Z GEO:39.728192;-82.596044 LOCATION:Wilkes Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sharpen Your Mind with Pencils\,2008:EventInstance_39572475251453 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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