BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Fundraisers,Sporting Events,Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Join us for the 1st annual "Stride for Supplies" 5K fun run eve nt hosted by Lindsey Baldwin with Town & Country Realtors\, where every ste p you take makes a tangible difference in the lives of children in our comm unity. Lace up your running shoes and join us for a morning of fitness\, fu n\, and philanthropy!\n\n \n\nDate: Saturday\, August 10th\nStart Time: 9:0 0 AM \nPlace: OHIO Zanesville - Collegial Woods Trail\n1555 Newark Road\, Zanesville\, Ohio 43701\n\n \n\nEntry Fees (non-refundable):\n$30 Entry Fee by July 19th\n$35 Late Entry Fee - July 20th to Race Day\n\nRegister at:\n\n\nAll parti cipants registered by July 19th are guaranteed t-shirts! \nExtra t-shirts w ill be on a first come first served basis.\n\n \n\nRace Results:\n This is NOT a timed 5k however we will have a clock at the finish line so you can s ee your time!\n\n\nRace Packets and Finish Line Perks:\n Your race packet w ill include a custom t-shirt with an official race logo\, and other sponsor items to be determined. Water and refreshments will be available at the fi nish. \n\n \n\nAbout: We believe in empowering our local schools and ensuri ng that every child has access to the resources they need to thrive academi cally and socially. That's why the proceeds from this event go directly tow ards supporting our schools in multiple ways. \n\n \n\nFirst and foremost\, your participation in the 5K will help provide essential school supplies t o students in need. From notebooks and pencils to backpacks and calculators \, every donation ensures that students start the school year equipped for success. \n\n \n\nBut it doesn't stop there. We understand the importance o f extracurricular activities and sports in fostering well-rounded students. That's why a portion of the proceeds will also be allocated towards fundin g extracurricular programs and sports teams. Whether it's joining the robot ics team\, playing on the basketball team\, or participating in theater pro ductions\, every child deserves the opportunity to explore their interests and talents outside of the classroom.\n\n \n\nAdditionally\, we recognize t hat field trips are an integral part of the learning experience\, providing students with hands-on educational opportunities that enhance their unders tanding of the world around them. However\, the cost of transportation and admission fees can be prohibitive for some schools. That's why we at Town & Country\, believe "Stride for Supplies" is aimed to alleviate some of this burden by helping to cover field trip costs\, ensuring that every child ha s the chance to embark on enriching educational adventures. \n\n \n\nBy par ticipating in "Stride for Supplies\," you're not just running a race – you' re investing in the future of our community. Together\, we can make a meani ngful difference in the lives of local children\, providing them with the r esources and opportunities they need to succeed in school and beyond. So\, mark your calendars\, gather your friends and family\, and join us as we st ride towards a brighter future for our students! DTEND:20240810T160000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T192445Z DTSTART:20240810T130000Z GEO:39.963423;-82.032285 LOCATION:Zanesville Campus SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Stride for Supplies - Town & Country - 5K Fun Race\,2008:EventInstance_46942572817292 URL: -race END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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