BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Meetings & Conferences,Movies & Screenings DESCRIPTION:Sustainability Film Series | AN EVENING OF SHORTS Panel Discuss ion\n\nHow to watch:\n\nTo participate\, please register for each event usi ng the registration below. An email will be delivered to you when the film becomes available to stream\, containing a link to watch and a link to the Zoom discussion. All Zoom discussions will take place on Wednesdays at 8:30 p.m. Registrants will have access to films in advance\, though we recommen d viewing the films on the day of the panel discussion.\n\nAbout the films: \n\nGeneration Green New Deal (24 min)\n\nFor decades\, the American politi cal system has seemed incapable of taking on climate change at the scale ne cessary to address the growing crisis. In November 2018 the youth-led organ ization Sunrise Movement and the youngest Congresswoman-elect in history\, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez occupied Nancy Pelosi’s office. Their demand: a “G reen New Deal”.\n\nSolar For All (26 min)\n\nThis documentary celebrates th e successes and documents the challenges of the first two years of implemen ting Solar For All\, Mayor Muriel Bowser’s initiative to provide 100\,000 l ow-to-moderate income families with the benefits of locally generated clean energy.\n\nThis Land (13 min)\n\nRunner and advocate Faith E. Briggs used to run through the streets of Brooklyn every morning. Now\, she’s running 1 50 miles through three U.S. National Monuments that lay in the thick of the controversy around public lands.\n\nWon’t Pipe Down (27 min)\n\nDominion R esources Inc.\, along with Duke Energy\, Piedmont Natural Gas\, and AGL Res ources created a joint venture to construct\, own\, and operate the Atlanti c Coast Pipeline. This pipeline will pump natural gas through 550 miles of 42 inch pipe starting in West Virginia and ending in North Carolina. DTEND:20201008T013000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T142738Z DTSTART:20201008T003000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sustainability Film Series | AN EVENING OF SHORTS Panel Discussion\,2008:EventInstance_34400075447970 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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