BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:2023 Ted Rose Lecture | Black Pulp and the Radical Politics of Popular Genre\, March 9\n\nThe African American Studies Department presents the 2023 Ted Rose Lecture featuring a guest talk by Brooks E. Hefner on "B lack Pulp and the Radical Politics of Popular Genre" on March 9 from 4:30-6 p.m. in the Baker Center Ballroom.\n\n \n\nHefner\, professor of English a t James Madison University\, will talk about Black Pulp: Genre Fiction in t he Shadow of Jim Crow (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press\, 2021).\ n\n \n\n\nDr. Vattel "Ted" Rose\, Ohio University African American Studies chair\, classroom lecture\, 1980. From the Ohio University Archives.\n\n \n \nVattel ‘Ted’ Rose was an associate professor in African American Studies from 1978 to the early 2000s. As chair of the department\, he helped to bui ld a legacy of excellence that still resonates today. During his tenure at Ohio University\, Rose led the department for almost two decades and ensure d its continuation long after his retirement.\n\n \n\nThe annual lecture se ries is an opportunity to introduce and recognize nationally and internatio nally recognized scholars in or closely affiliated with the discipline of A frican American Studies. These lectures provide the Ohio University communi ty with speakers who have contributed to the close examination and understa nding of African and African American life\, history\, and culture.\n\n \n\ nThis event is sponsored by the African American Studies Department\, the C ollege of Arts & Sciences\, the Division of Diversity & Inclusion\, and the History Department. The Honors Tutorial College\, Ping Center for the Huma nities\, and Department of English also helped to make this event possible. DTEND:20230309T230000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T082442Z DTSTART:20230309T213000Z GEO:39.324863;-82.101742 LOCATION:Baker University Center\, ballroom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:2023 Ted Rose Lecture | Black Pulp and the Radical Politics of Popu lar Genre\, March 9\,2008:EventInstance_41747846813566 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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