BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Teen Week '22\n\n15 Teens. 5 Days. Nonstop Fun.\n\n \n\nDates : July 25-29\, 2022 (Monday-Friday)\nTimes: 10:00 am to 2:30 pm\n\n\n*Check -in 9:45AM-10AM each day in Bennett Hall 131\n\n \n\nAbout: \n\n \n\nTeen W eek is a week-long summer program\, open to 15 teens (ages 14 yrs. to 17 yr s.)\, that offers a supportive environment\, allowing students to express t hemselves creatively while learning from professional artists! Hands-on inn ovative classes featuring small class sizes enables students to explore and expand their skills\, while creating memories and lasting friendships.\n\n \n\nThe cost for the program is $125 for the full week and cannot be split up into days. \n\n \n\nCourses & Schedule\n\n \n\nMONDAY\nCAKE BOSS \nInst ructor: Madison Andre (Andre’s Bakery)\n\nLearn all the fundamentals you ne ed to create any cake\, from whimsical to beautiful. You will learn when a nd how to use different consistencies of buttercream icing\, transferring p atterns\, shell borders\, star fill techniques\, drop flowers\, rosettes\, pompom flowers\, and more along with how to arrange your design. All decora ting supplies are included in the cost of the class and students will take home their own decorating kit. Students will practice on a mat and faux cak e during the majority of the class.\n\n \n\nTUESDAY\nTEEN IMPROV\nInstructo r: Amanda Harper\n\nThe Teen Improv intensive class provides a fun and supp ortive environment for students to learn the basics of improvisational acti ng\, storytelling\, and scene development. Teens will unlock their creativ e voice (while laughing uncontrollably) and learn to work collaboratively w ith others. No previous experience is necessary.\n\n \n\nWEDNESDAY\nCANVAS ART\nInstructor: Nikki Bridenbaugh (Nellie Dog)\n\nThis class is perfect fo r anyone who wants to learn how to paint! During the session\, you will cre ate a beautiful painting on canvas. You will learn with step-by-step instru ction how to mix colors and apply brushstrokes to create your masterpieces. \n\n \n\nTHURSDAY\nDIGITAL CONTENT CREATORS\nInstructor: Tanner Atha\n\nFin d your voice and leave your mark on the world! Whether you are six or sixty \, it's time to start a career as the next YouTube star. Explore the variet y of content and personalities that exist on YouTube and how to find your o wn niche. Learn the Do's and Don'ts of the platform and how to practice goo d digital citizenship. Develop your on-camera presence\, your own channel b randing\, and professional editing skills. Take home a plan for launching y our own channel with the content created in class! Student projects will be available on a password protected Black Rocket website to share with frien ds and family.\n\n \n\nFRIDAY\nTHE ART OF HENNA\nInstructor: Alisha Suleima n (Henna Flair)\n\nThe fun workshop is hands-on training\, personal guidanc e\, discussion\, demonstration and lots of Q&A’s. It allows the students to gain the knowledge and skills required to mix the henna paste and apply de signs.\n\n \n\nWhat will you learn?\n\n• History of the Art of Henna\n• Mix ing the henna\n• Rolling henna cones\n• Filling henna cones\n• Using the co nes\n• Basic exercises and\n• Working with designs\n* Each student will rec eive a custom hand henna tattoo.\n\n \n\nWho May Attend?\nTeens\, ages 14 t o 17\, who are highly motivated to participate in summer learning in a rela xed\, fun environment.\n\n \n\nWhat About Lunches and Snacks?\nPlease bring a lunch (in an isolated lunch bag since there is not a refrigerator) with you every day. Lunch breaks are every day from NOON to 12:30. \n\nOn Frida y\, we will end the week with a pizza party!\n\n \n\nParents! Important Inf ormation!\nPlease remember that teens must be picked up & dropped off at th eir classroom location. Parents MUST sign students in and out! \n\nFor any teen 16 or older signing themselves out at the end of the day\, a parent or guardian MUST come in and sign a waiver. Due to liability\, this cannot b e done online.\n\n \n\nFor More Information\, Contact:\nAnn Holmes\nAdminis trative Associate\nContinuing Education & Workforce Development\nBennett Ha ll Dean's Office\nT: 740.774.7239\\nOUC-ContinuingEducati DTEND:20220725T183000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T064648Z DTSTART:20220725T140000Z GEO:39.331045;-82.999206 LOCATION:Ohio University Chillicothe SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Teen Week '22\,2008:EventInstance_40296862073617 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Teen Week '22\n\n15 Teens. 5 Days. Nonstop Fun.\n\n \n\nDates : July 25-29\, 2022 (Monday-Friday)\nTimes: 10:00 am to 2:30 pm\n\n\n*Check -in 9:45AM-10AM each day in Bennett Hall 131\n\n \n\nAbout: \n\n \n\nTeen W eek is a week-long summer program\, open to 15 teens (ages 14 yrs. to 17 yr s.)\, that offers a supportive environment\, allowing students to express t hemselves creatively while learning from professional artists! Hands-on inn ovative classes featuring small class sizes enables students to explore and expand their skills\, while creating memories and lasting friendships.\n\n \n\nThe cost for the program is $125 for the full week and cannot be split up into days. \n\n \n\nCourses & Schedule\n\n \n\nMONDAY\nCAKE BOSS \nInst ructor: Madison Andre (Andre’s Bakery)\n\nLearn all the fundamentals you ne ed to create any cake\, from whimsical to beautiful. You will learn when a nd how to use different consistencies of buttercream icing\, transferring p atterns\, shell borders\, star fill techniques\, drop flowers\, rosettes\, pompom flowers\, and more along with how to arrange your design. All decora ting supplies are included in the cost of the class and students will take home their own decorating kit. Students will practice on a mat and faux cak e during the majority of the class.\n\n \n\nTUESDAY\nTEEN IMPROV\nInstructo r: Amanda Harper\n\nThe Teen Improv intensive class provides a fun and supp ortive environment for students to learn the basics of improvisational acti ng\, storytelling\, and scene development. Teens will unlock their creativ e voice (while laughing uncontrollably) and learn to work collaboratively w ith others. No previous experience is necessary.\n\n \n\nWEDNESDAY\nCANVAS ART\nInstructor: Nikki Bridenbaugh (Nellie Dog)\n\nThis class is perfect fo r anyone who wants to learn how to paint! During the session\, you will cre ate a beautiful painting on canvas. You will learn with step-by-step instru ction how to mix colors and apply brushstrokes to create your masterpieces. \n\n \n\nTHURSDAY\nDIGITAL CONTENT CREATORS\nInstructor: Tanner Atha\n\nFin d your voice and leave your mark on the world! Whether you are six or sixty \, it's time to start a career as the next YouTube star. Explore the variet y of content and personalities that exist on YouTube and how to find your o wn niche. Learn the Do's and Don'ts of the platform and how to practice goo d digital citizenship. Develop your on-camera presence\, your own channel b randing\, and professional editing skills. Take home a plan for launching y our own channel with the content created in class! Student projects will be available on a password protected Black Rocket website to share with frien ds and family.\n\n \n\nFRIDAY\nTHE ART OF HENNA\nInstructor: Alisha Suleima n (Henna Flair)\n\nThe fun workshop is hands-on training\, personal guidanc e\, discussion\, demonstration and lots of Q&A’s. It allows the students to gain the knowledge and skills required to mix the henna paste and apply de signs.\n\n \n\nWhat will you learn?\n\n• History of the Art of Henna\n• Mix ing the henna\n• Rolling henna cones\n• Filling henna cones\n• Using the co nes\n• Basic exercises and\n• Working with designs\n* Each student will rec eive a custom hand henna tattoo.\n\n \n\nWho May Attend?\nTeens\, ages 14 t o 17\, who are highly motivated to participate in summer learning in a rela xed\, fun environment.\n\n \n\nWhat About Lunches and Snacks?\nPlease bring a lunch (in an isolated lunch bag since there is not a refrigerator) with you every day. Lunch breaks are every day from NOON to 12:30. \n\nOn Frida y\, we will end the week with a pizza party!\n\n \n\nParents! Important Inf ormation!\nPlease remember that teens must be picked up & dropped off at th eir classroom location. Parents MUST sign students in and out! \n\nFor any teen 16 or older signing themselves out at the end of the day\, a parent or guardian MUST come in and sign a waiver. Due to liability\, this cannot b e done online.\n\n \n\nFor More Information\, Contact:\nAnn Holmes\nAdminis trative Associate\nContinuing Education & Workforce Development\nBennett Ha ll Dean's Office\nT: 740.774.7239\\nOUC-ContinuingEducati DTEND:20220726T183000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T064648Z DTSTART:20220726T140000Z GEO:39.331045;-82.999206 LOCATION:Ohio University Chillicothe SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Teen Week '22\,2008:EventInstance_40296862075666 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Teen Week '22\n\n15 Teens. 5 Days. Nonstop Fun.\n\n \n\nDates : July 25-29\, 2022 (Monday-Friday)\nTimes: 10:00 am to 2:30 pm\n\n\n*Check -in 9:45AM-10AM each day in Bennett Hall 131\n\n \n\nAbout: \n\n \n\nTeen W eek is a week-long summer program\, open to 15 teens (ages 14 yrs. to 17 yr s.)\, that offers a supportive environment\, allowing students to express t hemselves creatively while learning from professional artists! Hands-on inn ovative classes featuring small class sizes enables students to explore and expand their skills\, while creating memories and lasting friendships.\n\n \n\nThe cost for the program is $125 for the full week and cannot be split up into days. \n\n \n\nCourses & Schedule\n\n \n\nMONDAY\nCAKE BOSS \nInst ructor: Madison Andre (Andre’s Bakery)\n\nLearn all the fundamentals you ne ed to create any cake\, from whimsical to beautiful. You will learn when a nd how to use different consistencies of buttercream icing\, transferring p atterns\, shell borders\, star fill techniques\, drop flowers\, rosettes\, pompom flowers\, and more along with how to arrange your design. All decora ting supplies are included in the cost of the class and students will take home their own decorating kit. Students will practice on a mat and faux cak e during the majority of the class.\n\n \n\nTUESDAY\nTEEN IMPROV\nInstructo r: Amanda Harper\n\nThe Teen Improv intensive class provides a fun and supp ortive environment for students to learn the basics of improvisational acti ng\, storytelling\, and scene development. Teens will unlock their creativ e voice (while laughing uncontrollably) and learn to work collaboratively w ith others. No previous experience is necessary.\n\n \n\nWEDNESDAY\nCANVAS ART\nInstructor: Nikki Bridenbaugh (Nellie Dog)\n\nThis class is perfect fo r anyone who wants to learn how to paint! During the session\, you will cre ate a beautiful painting on canvas. You will learn with step-by-step instru ction how to mix colors and apply brushstrokes to create your masterpieces. \n\n \n\nTHURSDAY\nDIGITAL CONTENT CREATORS\nInstructor: Tanner Atha\n\nFin d your voice and leave your mark on the world! Whether you are six or sixty \, it's time to start a career as the next YouTube star. Explore the variet y of content and personalities that exist on YouTube and how to find your o wn niche. Learn the Do's and Don'ts of the platform and how to practice goo d digital citizenship. Develop your on-camera presence\, your own channel b randing\, and professional editing skills. Take home a plan for launching y our own channel with the content created in class! Student projects will be available on a password protected Black Rocket website to share with frien ds and family.\n\n \n\nFRIDAY\nTHE ART OF HENNA\nInstructor: Alisha Suleima n (Henna Flair)\n\nThe fun workshop is hands-on training\, personal guidanc e\, discussion\, demonstration and lots of Q&A’s. It allows the students to gain the knowledge and skills required to mix the henna paste and apply de signs.\n\n \n\nWhat will you learn?\n\n• History of the Art of Henna\n• Mix ing the henna\n• Rolling henna cones\n• Filling henna cones\n• Using the co nes\n• Basic exercises and\n• Working with designs\n* Each student will rec eive a custom hand henna tattoo.\n\n \n\nWho May Attend?\nTeens\, ages 14 t o 17\, who are highly motivated to participate in summer learning in a rela xed\, fun environment.\n\n \n\nWhat About Lunches and Snacks?\nPlease bring a lunch (in an isolated lunch bag since there is not a refrigerator) with you every day. Lunch breaks are every day from NOON to 12:30. \n\nOn Frida y\, we will end the week with a pizza party!\n\n \n\nParents! Important Inf ormation!\nPlease remember that teens must be picked up & dropped off at th eir classroom location. Parents MUST sign students in and out! \n\nFor any teen 16 or older signing themselves out at the end of the day\, a parent or guardian MUST come in and sign a waiver. Due to liability\, this cannot b e done online.\n\n \n\nFor More Information\, Contact:\nAnn Holmes\nAdminis trative Associate\nContinuing Education & Workforce Development\nBennett Ha ll Dean's Office\nT: 740.774.7239\\nOUC-ContinuingEducati DTEND:20220727T183000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T064648Z DTSTART:20220727T140000Z GEO:39.331045;-82.999206 LOCATION:Ohio University Chillicothe SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Teen Week '22\,2008:EventInstance_40296862077715 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Teen Week '22\n\n15 Teens. 5 Days. Nonstop Fun.\n\n \n\nDates : July 25-29\, 2022 (Monday-Friday)\nTimes: 10:00 am to 2:30 pm\n\n\n*Check -in 9:45AM-10AM each day in Bennett Hall 131\n\n \n\nAbout: \n\n \n\nTeen W eek is a week-long summer program\, open to 15 teens (ages 14 yrs. to 17 yr s.)\, that offers a supportive environment\, allowing students to express t hemselves creatively while learning from professional artists! Hands-on inn ovative classes featuring small class sizes enables students to explore and expand their skills\, while creating memories and lasting friendships.\n\n \n\nThe cost for the program is $125 for the full week and cannot be split up into days. \n\n \n\nCourses & Schedule\n\n \n\nMONDAY\nCAKE BOSS \nInst ructor: Madison Andre (Andre’s Bakery)\n\nLearn all the fundamentals you ne ed to create any cake\, from whimsical to beautiful. You will learn when a nd how to use different consistencies of buttercream icing\, transferring p atterns\, shell borders\, star fill techniques\, drop flowers\, rosettes\, pompom flowers\, and more along with how to arrange your design. All decora ting supplies are included in the cost of the class and students will take home their own decorating kit. Students will practice on a mat and faux cak e during the majority of the class.\n\n \n\nTUESDAY\nTEEN IMPROV\nInstructo r: Amanda Harper\n\nThe Teen Improv intensive class provides a fun and supp ortive environment for students to learn the basics of improvisational acti ng\, storytelling\, and scene development. Teens will unlock their creativ e voice (while laughing uncontrollably) and learn to work collaboratively w ith others. No previous experience is necessary.\n\n \n\nWEDNESDAY\nCANVAS ART\nInstructor: Nikki Bridenbaugh (Nellie Dog)\n\nThis class is perfect fo r anyone who wants to learn how to paint! During the session\, you will cre ate a beautiful painting on canvas. You will learn with step-by-step instru ction how to mix colors and apply brushstrokes to create your masterpieces. \n\n \n\nTHURSDAY\nDIGITAL CONTENT CREATORS\nInstructor: Tanner Atha\n\nFin d your voice and leave your mark on the world! Whether you are six or sixty \, it's time to start a career as the next YouTube star. Explore the variet y of content and personalities that exist on YouTube and how to find your o wn niche. Learn the Do's and Don'ts of the platform and how to practice goo d digital citizenship. Develop your on-camera presence\, your own channel b randing\, and professional editing skills. Take home a plan for launching y our own channel with the content created in class! Student projects will be available on a password protected Black Rocket website to share with frien ds and family.\n\n \n\nFRIDAY\nTHE ART OF HENNA\nInstructor: Alisha Suleima n (Henna Flair)\n\nThe fun workshop is hands-on training\, personal guidanc e\, discussion\, demonstration and lots of Q&A’s. It allows the students to gain the knowledge and skills required to mix the henna paste and apply de signs.\n\n \n\nWhat will you learn?\n\n• History of the Art of Henna\n• Mix ing the henna\n• Rolling henna cones\n• Filling henna cones\n• Using the co nes\n• Basic exercises and\n• Working with designs\n* Each student will rec eive a custom hand henna tattoo.\n\n \n\nWho May Attend?\nTeens\, ages 14 t o 17\, who are highly motivated to participate in summer learning in a rela xed\, fun environment.\n\n \n\nWhat About Lunches and Snacks?\nPlease bring a lunch (in an isolated lunch bag since there is not a refrigerator) with you every day. Lunch breaks are every day from NOON to 12:30. \n\nOn Frida y\, we will end the week with a pizza party!\n\n \n\nParents! Important Inf ormation!\nPlease remember that teens must be picked up & dropped off at th eir classroom location. Parents MUST sign students in and out! \n\nFor any teen 16 or older signing themselves out at the end of the day\, a parent or guardian MUST come in and sign a waiver. Due to liability\, this cannot b e done online.\n\n \n\nFor More Information\, Contact:\nAnn Holmes\nAdminis trative Associate\nContinuing Education & Workforce Development\nBennett Ha ll Dean's Office\nT: 740.774.7239\\nOUC-ContinuingEducati DTEND:20220728T183000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T064648Z DTSTART:20220728T140000Z GEO:39.331045;-82.999206 LOCATION:Ohio University Chillicothe SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Teen Week '22\,2008:EventInstance_40296862079764 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Teen Week '22\n\n15 Teens. 5 Days. Nonstop Fun.\n\n \n\nDates : July 25-29\, 2022 (Monday-Friday)\nTimes: 10:00 am to 2:30 pm\n\n\n*Check -in 9:45AM-10AM each day in Bennett Hall 131\n\n \n\nAbout: \n\n \n\nTeen W eek is a week-long summer program\, open to 15 teens (ages 14 yrs. to 17 yr s.)\, that offers a supportive environment\, allowing students to express t hemselves creatively while learning from professional artists! Hands-on inn ovative classes featuring small class sizes enables students to explore and expand their skills\, while creating memories and lasting friendships.\n\n \n\nThe cost for the program is $125 for the full week and cannot be split up into days. \n\n \n\nCourses & Schedule\n\n \n\nMONDAY\nCAKE BOSS \nInst ructor: Madison Andre (Andre’s Bakery)\n\nLearn all the fundamentals you ne ed to create any cake\, from whimsical to beautiful. You will learn when a nd how to use different consistencies of buttercream icing\, transferring p atterns\, shell borders\, star fill techniques\, drop flowers\, rosettes\, pompom flowers\, and more along with how to arrange your design. All decora ting supplies are included in the cost of the class and students will take home their own decorating kit. Students will practice on a mat and faux cak e during the majority of the class.\n\n \n\nTUESDAY\nTEEN IMPROV\nInstructo r: Amanda Harper\n\nThe Teen Improv intensive class provides a fun and supp ortive environment for students to learn the basics of improvisational acti ng\, storytelling\, and scene development. Teens will unlock their creativ e voice (while laughing uncontrollably) and learn to work collaboratively w ith others. No previous experience is necessary.\n\n \n\nWEDNESDAY\nCANVAS ART\nInstructor: Nikki Bridenbaugh (Nellie Dog)\n\nThis class is perfect fo r anyone who wants to learn how to paint! During the session\, you will cre ate a beautiful painting on canvas. You will learn with step-by-step instru ction how to mix colors and apply brushstrokes to create your masterpieces. \n\n \n\nTHURSDAY\nDIGITAL CONTENT CREATORS\nInstructor: Tanner Atha\n\nFin d your voice and leave your mark on the world! Whether you are six or sixty \, it's time to start a career as the next YouTube star. Explore the variet y of content and personalities that exist on YouTube and how to find your o wn niche. Learn the Do's and Don'ts of the platform and how to practice goo d digital citizenship. Develop your on-camera presence\, your own channel b randing\, and professional editing skills. Take home a plan for launching y our own channel with the content created in class! Student projects will be available on a password protected Black Rocket website to share with frien ds and family.\n\n \n\nFRIDAY\nTHE ART OF HENNA\nInstructor: Alisha Suleima n (Henna Flair)\n\nThe fun workshop is hands-on training\, personal guidanc e\, discussion\, demonstration and lots of Q&A’s. It allows the students to gain the knowledge and skills required to mix the henna paste and apply de signs.\n\n \n\nWhat will you learn?\n\n• History of the Art of Henna\n• Mix ing the henna\n• Rolling henna cones\n• Filling henna cones\n• Using the co nes\n• Basic exercises and\n• Working with designs\n* Each student will rec eive a custom hand henna tattoo.\n\n \n\nWho May Attend?\nTeens\, ages 14 t o 17\, who are highly motivated to participate in summer learning in a rela xed\, fun environment.\n\n \n\nWhat About Lunches and Snacks?\nPlease bring a lunch (in an isolated lunch bag since there is not a refrigerator) with you every day. Lunch breaks are every day from NOON to 12:30. \n\nOn Frida y\, we will end the week with a pizza party!\n\n \n\nParents! Important Inf ormation!\nPlease remember that teens must be picked up & dropped off at th eir classroom location. Parents MUST sign students in and out! \n\nFor any teen 16 or older signing themselves out at the end of the day\, a parent or guardian MUST come in and sign a waiver. Due to liability\, this cannot b e done online.\n\n \n\nFor More Information\, Contact:\nAnn Holmes\nAdminis trative Associate\nContinuing Education & Workforce Development\nBennett Ha ll Dean's Office\nT: 740.774.7239\\nOUC-ContinuingEducati DTEND:20220729T183000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T064648Z DTSTART:20220729T140000Z GEO:39.331045;-82.999206 LOCATION:Ohio University Chillicothe SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Teen Week '22\,2008:EventInstance_40296862080789 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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