BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:OHIO instructors: Imagine never having to grade an Excel assign ment again while your students learn more!\n\nThe Center for Teaching\, Lea rning\, and Assessment invites those using or planning Excel assignments to attend a Dec. 8 workshop on Scoreboard\, a program that with the touch of a button instantly converts any Excel assignment into a real-time\, self-gr ading assessment. Scoreboard has improved learning for thousands of student s at OU and other universities. The program provides progressive real-time feedback\, highlighting the most serious errors first and giving students a chance to fix them. It also incorporates honesty controls. Best of all it is free for faculty and students! Implementing Scoreboard can increase effi ciency and student learning for any discipline that uses Excel. \n\nUpon co mpleting this session participants will be able to:\n\nInstantly convert an Excel assignment into a real-time self-grading assessmentChoose appropriat e options for intelligent feedback and point distributionEffortlessly recor d gradesIncorporate advanced honesty controls \n\nScoreboard benefits inclu de:\n\nInstant authoringAuto gradingAuto tutoringAuto securityFunNo feesNo intermediariesNo delaysNo websitesNo student macrosNo student add-ins \n\nT he Scoreboard software and practice files will be provided at the session. Participants may also bring their own Excel files to convert. Attendees sho uld bring a Mac or Windows laptop installed with Office 365 (or Office 2021 ). Office 365 is available for free from the University. Please get in touc h with the Bobcat Depot before the session if you need help installing Offi ce 365. \n\n \n\nDue to the interactive nature of the session\, it will not be streamed or recorded. The session will run from 1 to 4 p.m. Register he re.\n\nRaymond Frost\, Professor of Analytics & Information Systems\, will lead the session. He will be joined by co-developer Maddi Raisch from the H onors Tutorial College. Also assisting will be experienced Scoreboard users Scott Wright from the finance department and Ellen Gordon from the AIS Dep artment.\n\n \n\nFrost is an award-winning faculty member with the College of Business\, having been recognized with the Presidential Teaching Award a nd the University Professor Teaching Award. He also co-facilitates CTLA’s B runing Teaching Academy. DTEND:20221208T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241114T060816Z DTSTART:20221208T180000Z GEO:39.324863;-82.101742 LOCATION:Baker University Center\, 233 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Turning Excel Assignments into Auto-graded Assessments\,2008:EventInstance_41650296447505 URL: o-graded_assessments END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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