BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Presented by Dr. Myrna Sheldon\, Associate Professor (Classics/ WGSS\, OHIO)\n\n \n\nDr. Sheldon's current book project titled "The Ontolog y of a Mixed-Race Woman" takes an 1861 Louisiana court case\, in which a yo ung woman\, Alexina Morrison\, sued for her freedom by claiming that she wa s white\, and had been wrongfully enslaved. At the trial were several witne sses\, including a naturalist John Leonard Riddell who examined a strand of Alexina's hair before the court under a microscope and argued that her hai r revealed she belonged to the "caucassian race." [sic] I use this moment t o unfold a set of related arguments about race\, science\, and citizenship in the emergence of U.S. liberal democracy out of the racial grammar of Eur opean colonialism. In particular\, I argue that the historical emergence of biological race should be understood as a transformation in the Christian colonial belief that human variation was controlled by God\, to a convictio n that it is only controlled by human sexual choice. Ultimately\, the book argues for the founding of the United States as an initiation in a new glob al discourse of whiteness. And it takes Alexina's claim to whiteness as an opportunity to ask whether the racial grammar of Enlightenment-era citizens hip can be transformed through enfolding more bodies into representative de mocracy. \n\n \n\nThis event is in collaboration with Women's Gender and Se xuality Studies (WGGS).\n\n \n\nThe CIS Thursday Forum is a weekly series f ocusing on international research\, scholarship and creative activity for t he OHIO community. DTEND:20240926T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T035254Z DTSTART:20240926T193000Z GEO:39.327748;-82.100322 LOCATION:Schoonover Center\, 145 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:The Ontology of a Mixed-Race Woman\,2008:EventInstance_47358363491938 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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